Please Allow Multiple Admins for DataMesh
Our team is really struggling to troubleshoot issue when the owner of a DataMesh or Data Shuttle is out of the office. Please allow multiple Admins and/or Editors (or, at the very least, Viewers) for these critical tools.
Combine Multiple Sheets with Live Data using Data Mesh
I have 5 Metric Sheets that come from a Master form sourced sheet. I want to combine the 5 Metric Sheets into one Master Metric sheet that updates live WITH the formulas that are already in the metric sheets. I have combined all 5 Metric Sheets into one Master Metric Report and tried Data Mesh, into a blank Master Metric…
Easier way to identify and transfer Premium App Assets from one user to another for System Admin
Currently there is no easy way to identify what premium app assets was created by the user who is leaving the company. (or left the company) System admin is not able to view assets created by the user for DataMesh Pivot Workapp System admin can view asset created by user but unable to transfer ownership: Data Shuttle Some…
Data Mesh multiple target sheets - Cell Max Limit Error
Hello all, hoping to get some input here or curious if anyone has had experience with this. Currently have a datamesh set up looking at Report (Source Sheet), that sends about 28 columns to 1 Data Processing sheet (target sheet) based off of a UID. This target sheet hits it cell limit a couple times a year and we have to…
How do companies manage and document data flows in Smartsheet to ensure data integrity?
I’m new to Smartsheet and data meshing, and I’ve noticed that the original source data isn't always used consistently. For instance, someone might create a data mesh from a source to build their own sheet (Sheet B). Then, another person creates a data mesh from Sheet B, and this process continues. How do companies manage…
Data Mesh Attachements
Include attachments and comments as available data to copy with DataMesh process.
Can I configure a DataMesh alert or email when there is a Config Log warning?
Hello Community, I what I believe to be a relatively simple data mesh between two Sheets, lots of columns in each Sheet, but the actual mapping is only about seven columns. Somehow, one of the source sheet columns had a name change. Ex. is that "Column1 " changed to "Column1" (as space was removed from the end of the…
Merged: Data Mesh Frequency
This discussion has been merged.
Linking Sheets together in a compiled/ master sheet with real time updates
Hello, I'd like to propose an idea to help innovate smartsheets already spectacular features even more. One feature that I do not see is essentially combining / stacking sheets as a compiled master sheet. The compiled sheet should reflect updates made from each individual sheet. There does exist an automation where one can…
I have a blank sheet that i want to populate with only the column values from another that contain X
Hello I have a fresh blank sheet, and another data sheet that for example contains the Columns: Fruits, Fruit price/kg, Inventory, etc I want to in my new blank sheet have a Fruit column that only includes the ones with string "apple" so data sheet may contain: Pineapple, green apple, red apple, AND, Orange, Banana,…