Fillable Drop Down or similar?
Hi There! I am looking to create a smartsheet where staff can input multiple names without having to do multiple forms back to back. For example the question would be: who took the class? and then the staff would input names that would populate onto different lines int he database. Can I do that with drop down? Or contact?…
Looking for solution for Forms to add multiple rows to a sheet
Hello All, I'm looking for a solution to use Forms to add multiple rows to a sheet. Thanks!
Multiple Line Entries with one Form Submission
It would be great feature if one form could be used to fill in multiple lines/rows on a sheet. This would be super useful for my team. As of now, form entries can only create singular row entries on sheets.
Conditional Logic based on a numeric field
In Forms when you set a field to be validated as Numeric, it would be nice to be able to show a field based on the number being =, >, <, <>, ⇐, >=. I have seen questions on this, but couldn't find a submitted idea.
How to add smartsheet form to Iphone/android homepage?
Good afternoon all, I am trying to figure out how to add a form to iphone and android homepage to show up as an app for easy access. The goal is to have non-smartsheet users(our field crews) be able to have the form on there phone homepages to be able to easily access it without having the smartsheet app. Any advice is…
Forms - Fields Type - Timestamp
I recently started using Smartsheet Forms. One of the data types that I am interested in collecting is that of time in "HH:MM" format. Smartsheet does a good job having a variety of field types but I wonder if it could be expanded to include time?
Using Multiple Forms to Update a Single Row
Is there a way to use multiple forms to feed into a single row? An example would be our orthopedics program. Our coordinator collects several pieces of information from multiple departments (OR, Pre-Surgical, Med/Surg Nursing Floor, Education, etc.) Can I build something so she can create a row per patient with their ID…
Adding Images in Form Body and Descriptions
Currently, I am using Google form to capture responses because of the easy creation logic using section builder and adding images to the questions. It would be great if the smartsheet form had the same capability as google form with easy creation of logical questions by adding images with the questions.
Como usar os Formulários Smartsheet de modo Offline
Formulários Smartsheet Offline! Você sabe usar esse modo?Os formulários do Smartsheet tornam rápido e fácil coletar e agir com base em dados de qualquer pessoa. Suas configurações são bem intuitivas, é possível personalizar com cores de fundo, logotipos, textos, imagens e gifs. Com a funcionalidade de envio de dados…
Access to Form but NOT Sheet Data
Hi, Quick question, is there a way to provide an internal user access to submit a form but not be able to view/access the Sheet and it's data? We're creating a Write-Off process in Smartsheet and even though we are allowing anyone to submit a request, we only want a certain audience to view the sheet contents. Thanks!