Disregarding N/A in Formula
Hi, I've been using this formula: =IF(SUM(VALUE(RIGHT([Overall Summary Cost]@row, 1)), VALUE(RIGHT([Overall Summary Schedule]@row, 1)), VALUE(RIGHT([Overall Summary Risk]@row, 1))) < 5, "Blue", IF(SUM(VALUE(RIGHT([Overall Summary Cost]@row, 1)), VALUE(RIGHT([Overall Summary Schedule]@row, 1)), VALUE(RIGHT([Overall Summary…
Conditional formatting or restriction in format for forms
Context: Employees have to enter data and use a unique identifier which has a naming convention. I would like to either use conditional formating or restriction of a certain format for Smartsheet Form in order to minimize the data cleaning effort. Are there any workarounds?
Cannot open attachment in confirmation email
Hi, After fill in the form and upload a file, and check "Send me a copy of my responses" I received a confirmation email as below But when I click on the File attachment, it did not open the file. It seems that is just a text. How to open the file attachment? Can you help?
Attachments in Forms
Hi Everyone, We have a form which will be filled by the customers. There is a attachment field added to the form. Now, we want two types of attachments to be done - 1. Invoice copy & 2. Images of the issue. Invoice copy should be mandatory, images are optional. Is there a way to do that in forms? We can either make the…
Ongoing Performance Evaluation Setup Dashboard - Form Won't Populate
Hi - I was asked to set up this dashboard: The template has been downloaded and the new workspace has been created. The form is set up, and when I did a test fill out of the form, the data went to the "Feedback: Positive" report, (which populated onto the feedback portion of the dashboard) but the data won't populate to…
Is there a way to check a box in a sheet based on data and checkbox in another sheet?
In this scenario, Index Smartsheet automation is to happen based on data in the Licensing Smartsheet. More specifically - Check box in Ready To Start E. cell in Index Smartsheet when Licensing Smartsheet States To Be Filed (checkbox) is checked and ALL states to be filed Filing Status's equal “Complete” and ALL states to…
Recurring form submission error
We continue to see this error on forms connected to a specific sheet, even with all inputs given, required or not: The information you entered is incomplete or invalid. Once the error has occurred on a form, it persists until "fixed". No one can submit new entries with that form, neither external users nor users in our…
Out of Service Formula
Hi Community, I'm attempting to create a formula showing the OOS status of the most recent submission for each asset based on the Asset ID in form submissions. For example, below Asset ID FD-001201 would be considered out of service, however, I'm not sure how to account for it being the most recent submission if there had…
How to use countif with digits that start with 0?
Hi guys good morning. I have a difficulty with a formula. In the HR area of the company I work for, we use a form to register for vacancies offered throughout Brazil and in this form we request the CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registration Number - number we use to identify a person in Brazil). This number consists of 11…
Gain access to form
Having received notification from a form I did not fill out, is it possible to visit the form? There's an existing link for viewing the sheet, but I'm certain I do not need access to the sheet itself. I think it would be helpful to add an option to view the form, as well as for form creators to limit such access (i.e.…