E-mail notifications
Hi, I have a 'Sheet' named 'Main sheet' with forms submissions arriving all the time, within the 'Main sheet' there is a field called 'Employee Department', when populated from the form this looks up the 'Project Sponsor' from a further 'Sheet' named 'Lookup' and pulls the e-mail through to the 'Main sheet' - this all…
Approval: two users/same level
Hello, Is there a way I can send an approval form to two managers who both need to sign off on each staff member's annual leave? I can do it if I send to Manager A first and then Manager B once the first step has been completed, but wondered if there's a way to do them both at the same time that I'm not seeing...?
Table of contents in a large sheet; use of forms
hi, I use one large sheet to manage many different legal tasks across my team (1,000 rows currently). The sheet is divided to many sub sections/categories, main tasks, sub tasks etc. Wanting to add a new main task to a category, the user needs to scroll down to find the right category which is time consuming. Two questions…
Can I edit the URL for a web form?
I see that the URL is editable when you click in the box where you can copy and send the URL to someone. Is it only editable so you can copy it, or can I edit the URL to be more descriptive and shorter? If so, how does it get saved? Thanks, P
Unrecognized System Contacts
I'm seeing behavior in a sheet that I'm not sure if this expected or not. I am a known contact in our corporate instance of Smartsheet. The screenshot displays content in a sheet column that is created by submission of a form. For this particular column, it's populated from an email address in the form field. Submitters of…
Joining cell's with text contents and checkboxes selections onto one text string
We have a design queue sheet where we receive design requests via a web form. Users make a scope selection using a couple of drop down menus and a bunch of check boxes, and an "other" text box for miscellaneous tasks. On the queue side, the number of columns where this information is gathered occupies quite a large area of…
Web Form Feature Request
It would be helpful to have the ability to add a comment field to a webform and have the comment go directly to the comments for that row. Currently, we have a comment column, but the comments can be long and if you do a text wrap, it really creates a visual mess on the sheet and notifications. We also are required in many…
Form Confirmation Options
Is there a way under the Form Confirmation Options to show a confirmation message AND include a hyperlink to a Smartsheet? I see the box accepts HTML code, but it doesn't format correctly.
In Form, "Clone" does not appear like in eAcademy video
In the eAcademy video on Forms, in Lesson 4, at -2:12 in the video, Crystal Morey explains that, after clicking "Forms" in the tool bar, and then clicking the "More..." link, that you can then click "Clone." In actuality, "Clone" does not appear. Is there something that wasn't explained that I am not doing, or is Crystal…
Variations of Forms Recently
Hello, We use the form function for all of our production orders everyday and recently, the form has been flip flopping between two different layouts. One is where there is the capability to upload multiple documents at a time and one where you cannot. Is Smartsheet doing some sort of testing or updates? Appreciate any…