Resubmission of forms (partial completion)
Hi SmartSheet Communitiy, Is it possible to complete a form in parts, while ensuring that previous sections submitted are saved and remain intact for future completion? Meaning, is it possible for someone completing a form to open the same form over and over again (containing the previous filled in information) until it's…
Is it possible to incorporate headings into the LOGIC function in FORMS?
When using the LOGIC function in a FORM, I would like to incorporate the relevant headings, such that they only show if required. However, I seem unable to attach a heading to the LOGIC field. Is this something that can be done?
Using Data Fields to Automate New Forms
Hello everyone! I am building a data tracker sheet that will track event data sourced from a form that goes out to event coordinators. I'm trying to figure out a way to push them a 'new form' to fill out when they select that they have multiple events they need to submit. Ideally, I would like to automate this process…
What is the best way to approach a form where the same field needs to be used multiple times?
We are building "product installation forms" for our sales team. Their current design for these is a 10-page PDF which is composed of individual tables for each product type (1 example attached). We have roughly 8 product types with some products having quite a few variables for design/setup. In building a Smartsheet form…
Can you automate sending an attachment when a form is submitted?
Once a user completes a form, I'd like to automate sending a follow up message with an attachment for them to complete. Is it possible to add an attachment via the automated message or through an automation? I don't see a way to attach/ add a hyperlink. Thanks!
How to count total number of requests submitted?
Hi, I am trying to find a formula to count the total number of requests submitted in my grid. I want the formula to count the number of request ID's displayed. I want to use this number so I can display a metric on the dashboard. I also want to use a formula to count the number of "In Progress" requests and use this to…
How to trigger a Data Table Lookup on a multi-select contact field
Hi folks, would anyone have ideas on how to execute the following process, please? I am building the workflow for an internal award nomination + evaluation process for a company of 850+ people. I have the workflow worked out for people nominated for individual awards, but I am struggling with the best way to adjust this…
Canada in Form Phone Validation
Greetings, Field Settings - Validation - Phone. If you select Canada and save it. The form will display the United States. I went back into settings to double-check the settings were still set to Canada, while the manage form view displayed the United States. Ultimately, my goal is to automate a dropdown with logic that…
Automation works correctly when manually changed in sheet but not when input through form
Hello, I created an intake form for a project request. In the form there's a field where the submitter has to select from a dropdown list of Contract Information choices. Here are the automation logic I have: When I tested it by selecting the different options in the dropdown in the sheet column, this works correctly.…
The ability to omit blank fields in email notifications
When sending alerts and requests through automation, we currently have the option to send a message including either all fields, specific fields or the message only. For my particular organisation(and i would imagine many others), none of these options work. We have dynamic forms that build themselves based on answers and…