Return Multipe Cells
Hi Smartsheet community, I have the following columns: [Name] (text/number value) [Team] (drop down value) [Budget Milestone] (checkbox) [Program Milestone] (checkbox) [Project Milestone] (checkbox) Now I am unable to run a report because the what in report builder condition is either all 'OR' or all 'AND', not all tasks…
Counting using Countifs if a date is present
I'm trying to create a countifs formula where if it finds a date in a column and is a particular county, it'll count that line. I tried this and don't get an error, but it returns a zero which is not correct. Thank you!! =COUNTIFS({McAdvCareSiteReview Range 2}, (ISDATE(true)), {McAdvCareSiteReview Range 1}, "king")
Count multiple criteria in a row
I have spent hours scrolling through all the great advice in the Community, and there is not a formula that is working for me. I need to count all the Semi-Annual Update, In Progress, and Waiting on County in a column. =COUNTIF([Status Report]:[Status Report], "Semi-Annual Update") works great to count all of the…
max value by category
Hi I'm stuck on figuring this one out. I am trying to generate a sequential number("Sequence" column) by category ("Application"). I want the formula to calculate the max value of all the records in sequence where application = application in the new record (user would have selected this from a drop-down. this is what I am…
How to update a cell with a formula?
What would the syntax be in the formula portion of the update be? I'm confused because some of the formulas I work with have the double quote character in it. For example, I have this as apart of my request. "formula":"=IF([Manager]@row = "Tom Hank", "TM", IF([Manager]@row = "John Oliver", "JO", IF([Manager]@row = "Elvis…
Percentage of certain cells in a column
Probably it's easier than it looks to me, but I'm very new to Smartsheet and any help is highly appreciated. I have a column that contains name of several cities corresponding to complete projects in another column. I'm struggling to put together a formula that will calculate percentage of each city in the whole list. Any…
Can I reference the workspace in a sheet or report?
I have a report that compiles data from multiple Workspaces. I would like to be able to include the workspace in the report as a column (just like I can include Sheet Name as a column.) Is there at least a formula that I can include in a sheet that returns the name of its workspace? e.g like =WORKSPACE() ..?
Trigger Report Due when month changes from modified date
Hi I have a basic text entry sheet for a dashboard report. Fields are: [Subject], [Details], [Modified], [Due] In the [Due] Column I want to show that the month has changed so I can trigger an update request. How would I go about doing this? Regards Steve
Count If less than 50 rows
Can you do A COUNTIF formula with less than 50 rows or does Smartsheet default to 50? If I delete the formula in the blank rows I get an "invalid reference" error message.
Formula Help
I am trying to create formula that subtracts to different dates in my data but instead of displaying the date of the result I want it to display "On Time" if less than or equal to zero and "Late" if greater than 0. I got the formula to display correctly but it is auto displaying in my columns where no data is entered.