Checkbox tick then auto highlight certain columns?
Hi, We have a sheet called project milestones for managing the steps of LIVE manufacturing an installation projects. I'd like when our production manager selects a tick box on a specific row, that 4no columns within the row are automatically highlighted light green. The column "In production/ Approval Docs uploaded" Should…
Nested IFs- mutually exclusive
I have a nested IF formula to change the status ball colors as values are entered down the line. They usually get entered one at a time. If column A gets filled then it turns green, then if B gets filled it turns yellow, etc.. Column A | Column B | Column C Green | Yellow | Red X | X | X But sometimes we will skip over…
Alerts for deadlines- Need help
Hi! I am trying to set up an alert for deadlines, but only if a box is checked- not for the whole sheet. So people can basically choose- yes, I want alerts for my deadlines, or - no, I don't want alerts for my deadlines. Right now I have a check box column set up- yes and no. So, I want it so that If the person checks the…
Anonymise form submission
Hi, I have a form which fills a sheet with an "Anonymise" checkbox column and a "Submitter" text box column. (staff feedback form) I'm trying to give form submitters the option to anonymise their submissions. At the moment, an individual has their own link which will auto-populate the submitter on the form but want to be…
Create a new row in Database2 when new text item is added to Database1
In my main project log (Database1), I have a "Customer" column with a drop-down list of all existing customer names; it is NOT restricted to drop-down values only so you are able to type in new customer names as well. I am using Database2 to assign each customer name a row to collect/sum specific data for all projects for…
Automate harvey balls with completion status
I am trying to automate the RGY Harvey balls in a sheet based on the status of the Full/quarter/half/three quarter/full Harvey balls.Below are the statements that I want to use but I was hoping to get some help putting them together in a nested if statement. if End Date is before today's date and Completed is full then…
Match or VLookup?
I cannot figure out how to cross reference two excel documents for changes made from one day to the next. Long story short, our EDI process is not working at this time. Until it is up & running, our csr is required to manually review each page for changes from the previous day. It is so time consuming but until EDI is up &…
Counting unique values over different date ranges
Pretty new to SS, I've only been working with it for less than 2 weeks. I have a sheet with pto requests, I need to count the number of team members that have submitted a quest in a quarter or a year or whatever date range I need. Team members can and have submitted more than 1 request per quarter/year ect. So basically I…
Formula Help- Check Box if Date is tomorrow
Hi! I need a formula so that if a date column is the next day, a box is checked. This is what I've started, but I can't figure out how to say- if the date is tomorrow... =IF(date:date=????,(1)) Any ideas? Thanks! Amy