If cell fill is a given hex color code, then return value
How can I identify the hex color code for the cell fill options? I want to write an IF statement to return value of 1 if the hex color code is the darkest blue (as an example). A little background.... reporting 6 status stages so the symbols aren't an option. Thanks in advance for your help!
Calculate the Xth Weekday of Any Month
I am new user to Smartsheet and I am trying to figure out a formula that will calculate a date for a question like "What date is the 3rd Monday of a given Month". Through some google searching I came across this answer for a straight excel formula:…
SUMIF with OR condition
Hi. We have a calculation that will total various costs based on a manager. It works fine if we only need to include costs for a single manager. However, it doesn't work if we want it to total costs that might be related to more than one manager. We're using an OR condition when checking for the manager. Can you please…
Formula for RYG based on % complete
Trying to get RYG symbols for % completed on tasks. I am getting #UNPARSEABLE =IF([% Complete]4 = "100%", "Green", IF([% Complete]4 = "50%", "Yellow", IF([% Completed]4 = "0%", "Red", " "))) Can anyone please help?
Locate/Find COUNTIFS
e.g. =COUNTIFS(Recruiter:Recruiter, "Christie", [Deal Date]:[Deal Date], MONTH(@cell) = 10) e.g. = 50 This is an example of how I identify my "deals" for the month in a sheet which lists every deal my company has made. The sheet contains thousands of lines. Is there a way to search/locate/find or highlight these 50 deals?…
Recurring task with a checkbox and reset?
Hello All - We currently use a smartsheet pipeline to track our clients progression through our service delivery. This serves us very well. One area that we need help with is scheduling and tracking phone conversations. I have looked into coordinating a crm to schedule and call, but I am not thrilled the tracking…
Progressive sumif formula for calculate invoice progress
Over the course of a contract, I want to track how much has been invoiced and how much is left. If possible, for some contracts I know the invoicing is on a cycle and should be the same amount on say a monthly basis. I have columns for each month listing the invoice amount Invoice Amount and a date column to be completed…
IF statement help to determine active sprint
Hi all -- just starting to build a library of IF statements... Looking for some help to build an IF statement to determine which Sprint is the current active sprint... Basically, IF Today's date is between [ColumnSprintStartDate] and [ColumnSprintEndDate] then check the box, if the date is not between those, then leave it…
Running formulas
It appears as though you have to open a sheet for a formula to run. Is this correct? I have reports that show out of date data due to the sheet not being opened therefore causing the formula to activate. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Richard