MEDIAN formula picking up an extra row?
I have a sheet with a MEDIAN formula pointed to a column with a column formula to calculate the difference between two dates. Today the sheet happens to have only one row, but the result of the MEDIAN formula is that single value / 2. It looks like the median is picking up an extra, blank row. Any thoughts on how to…
Using cross sheet reference to pull data from one column in Sheet 1 into multiple rows in Sheet 2
I have two sheets. Sheet 1 is essentially a directory. It lists all of the individual contacts that are involved in a project. Some columns in the sheet are are "Name" (Contact List), "Title" (Text), "Department" (Text), and "Completed Assignments" (Text). Sheet 2 is where monthly assignments are recorded. The columns are…
Parent status based on children
This gets asked all the time and I've looked through posts but I can't get the formulas to work for my project. I have a project with hierarchy 1,2 and 3. I need the parents' status to update based on the children. My status options are: Not Started, In Progress, Complete and Blocked. If one child is in progress or…
Help with Formula Please
Hi, I am trying to find the formula so that the results show the total combined forecast amount but excludes any forecasted amount for an expected close date of 2025. Can anyone help please?
Week to Week % Complete Progress?
I have a % complete column in my project plan. Is there anyway to show progress on initiatives from week to week, for example, if we were at 30% last week and the report comes out and we’re now at 40% it shows in that box +10% or something?? I was thinking it will help show progress and if there is none, it could help show…
Formula to Pull out #s if they appear multiple times across different organizations
Hi, I'm trying to create a formula that will recognize and pull out any material #s that appear for different plants and make a new column with those material #s. I don't care so much if the material # appears multiple times for one plant, I only care if it appears for more than one plant. For example, Material # 1 appears…
Count IF Question - Running Count
Good Morning All, Currently have this column formula called "Count AD": =COUNTIF([Ad Name]$1:[Ad Name]@row, [Ad Name]@row) on lets say Sheet B I have the same formula on Sheet A: =COUNTIF([Creative Name]$1:[Creative Name]@row, [Creative Name]@row) Please Note: Sheet A Creative Name = Sheet B Ad Name Sheet B is generated…
How can I return a value in one column from another sheet based on two inconsistent string criteria?
Hi, any help with this will be hugely appreciated. On my master sheet I have a "Task Name" column, an "Audience" column and a "Description" column I want to populate with this formula. On the source sheet I have a "Task Name" column, an "Audience" column and the "Description" column I want the data from. Unfortunately, the…
Help with IF formula, #UNPARSEABLE error
Can someone help me please? In the “Queue” column, I have “mapped” from “ComponentID” column a list of values (using IF function), but now I must add to the existent formula the new value “ArtStation.” This comes from a long list of alphanumeric codes. All those codes start with “asset”, the problem is that I get…
Average or Average If with Sheet References
I tried using a formula created by the Generator, using cross sheet references to pull the data into our metric sheet, and received several errors. We would like to receive an average capacity percentage for an individual PM; the Generator provided the formula below, but if I inserted sheet references in lieu of column…