Checklist population with info from another sheet
Hi team! I'm hoping one of you wise Smartsheets gurus have some guidance. I am trying to build out a "checklist" that will populate with data from another form and for the life of me I cannot figure it out! For a little more context, I work in the Mortgage industry. The documentation needed for each loan can vary,…
Hours and Minutes calculation
Hi, I have a Start Time column and an End Time column and I would like it to calculate the hours and minutes of duration into another column. I scoured Smartsheets and found information on this, see link below, but when I try the formula, which should give me 0 hour(s) and 45 min, I get 0 hour(s) and 4500 min. Can someone…
Using Formulas with cross reference sheets
Hello, I need help adding one more criterion to this formula I am using to pull data from one sheet (Budget) and give me a total expense in another sheet (Staffing). =SUMIF({5320182 VENDOR}, @cell = [Last Name]@row, {5320182 EXPENSE}) This formula is pulling the data fine but I need to narrow it down one more time by…
Extracting a string of text, sometimes between other text.
Hello all, I'm looking to build a formula that will return the digital object identifier (doi) string from a paper citation. The problem is, sometimes it the last piece of the citation, sometimes there is additional text at the end, and sometimes there isn't a doi to return. I've been playing around with a few formulas…
Trying to get the number of instances of a value from a column with a dropdown list property
I have a field (column) in my source sheet named [Hub/Site CLLI]@row that I need to find the number of instances contained in a drop down list named {Tinas node_comparison - All CLLIs} in the target sheet. When found I need to count the number of instances of the "NTODAANODE Ticket #" found in the target sheet. This is…
Check a Box if Values Greater than 2 appear in any cell in a row
I've seen many posts about box check =IF formulas, but they all reference specific columns in brackets. Is there a formula I could use @row that would search the entire row for numbers greater than 2 and check a box if there is a number greater than 2? Thank you! This helps flag when the workforce has been overscheduled.
Formula Help! INDEX(COLLECT)
I have two sheets and two columns i am trying to compare: 1) Finished Lot Inventory Summary Column Name: Development Column Name: Lot Number Column Name: Finished Lot Inventory Count 2) Starts Schedule Column Name: Subdivision Column Name: Lot Column Name: Notify On the 'Starts Schedule' sheet, I am trying to populate the…
Formula Help for Allocation % of work week based on employment type
Hi - I'm trying to figure out if I can put an automated column into Smartsheet. I think that I might need to use a couple formulas, maybe in multiple columns, but for the life of me I just can't figure out how to make it work. My manager asked me to list out percent of workweek allocation, based on different work types. I…
Column Formula for a future date, 3 months before annual start date
Hello everyone, I have a column formula that creates a date in the future based on [Start Date] while simultaneously avoiding child rows: =IF(AND(Hierarchy@row = 0), IF(MONTH([Start Date]@row) >3, DATE(YEAR([Start Date]@row) +1, MONTH([Start Date]@row) -3, DAY([Start Date]@row)), DATE(YEAR([Start Date]@row), 12 +…
SUMIF(S), AND, IF, Checkbox formula functions
Hi brainstrust, I am trying to build a resource conflict formula(s) that deliver the end results of: If a project row has overlapping dates AND has the same resource type(s) selected (different columns with check boxes) as the date-conflict project rows, return a "conflict" result. AND If a project has a resource type(s)…