Trying to use Time Function to calculate how many days,hours,minutes
I am using this found in the functions list: But Error says #INVALID DATA TYPE. Is that because the columns i am referencing are cross reference formulas and not text/number types? SEE BELOW FORMULA AND SHEET: =DATEONLY([Pending Tech Response Date/Time Stamp]@row) - DATEONLY([Completed Date/Time Stamp]@row) + " day(s), " +…
Average with multiple criteria
I am trying to get the average of a column named "Average working Days" while the "STATUS" = "On Hold", "In Progress" and "Not Started" and when I tried it, it gives me #Divide by zero. =AVG(COLLECT({Request Tracker with Form Range - Average}, {Request Tracker Range 3}, Category@row, {Request Tracker Range 2 - Status},…
How can I extract the date/time stamp from the Cell information to display as new column??
I do realize I can create an automation that flags a date stamp, but considering the sheet is over a year old and has a lot of data already. How can I make this information useable that is found in the cell history?
#INVALID DATA TYPE when counting column without a value
Hi guys, im trying to use CountIFs to count all projects that have a completion date by month. Not all projects are complete so there that are those that do not have an end date has the error #invalid data type". I tried using this formula, but didn't work. Could I have assistance fixing the formula? If there is an invalid…
Need help with cross sheet SUMIFS syntax
I have one sheet that is a master inventory sheet, and another with a bunch of formulas pulling data so I can build a report. I have been trying to specifically set up a formula that sums up all cells in the "Stock" column, only if it matches a specific keyword in the "Location" column. I have cross sheet references set up…
Count IF Question
Hello all, just me again with another Count IF question!!! I was curious if anyone could assist with a question of mine. I am using 2 Sheets. On Sheet A I have Audience Names that I am trying to match back to another sheet and see how many different campaigns are tied to the Audiences. I currently am using a count if…
Provide list of managed references while editing / creating a formula
When writing a formula where I need to use cross sheet references, I would love to have a list of the already created references on my sheet be available when I select "Reference Another Sheet". It could just be access to the already existent "manage references" list or could be divided based on the sheet that is being…
Creating a Formula where there is multiple selections needed.
Good Morning Smartsheet Community. I have been struggling with these formulas for a few weeks now and decided to finally reach out for some help. I am trying to make 2 formulas but there is a part of the formula where I need to reference 2 options in the same drop down. I think I am tripping myself up when it is having to…
MAX COLLECT across a range
I am a bit stumped and looking for a little help. I have a forecast sheet with a form where the user has to submit their monthly forecasts for the quarters across five subject areas. I have a column for each quarter and each subject area, 20 columns is my range, Forecast worksheet: Quarters For example purposes please…
If(Contains) issue
I am trying to look at a column on one sheet and if it contains a certain value or multiple of the values that I am searching for, return a sum of value(s) from one or more specific cells that are contained in a separate sheet, otherwise return as 0 or as if nothing has happened. This is the formula I have come up with but…