Automatic numbering for Work Breakdown Structure
Does anyone have a formula so a WBS will automatically number up to five levels? This doesn't seem like a standard feature in Smartsheet but is critical to our projects.
How to count total number of times a value appears in cells with multiple values.
I have been trying to find a formula to use that will let me count the total number of times a day appears in this column. I would like to ultimately put this info into a graph on the dashboard. Is there a way to do this? I have tried using the COUNTIF with CONTAIN and I haven't been able to figure it out while on a…
IF Statement that returns two values from two different columns
Good Morning Smartsheet Community, Currently working on a formula that will take the information from "15 single select columns" and condense this information into a single text column. I am trying to reproduce the column titles in my new column as text within the cells. Previous columns had a single selection for "1" if…
Looking to create a Auto Numbering System that is a little more advanced. [Help!]
Hey everyone! Looking to create a numbering system for Change order Generation for my company. Currently the Auto Numbering from smartsheet is a little simple for our uses. I'd like to come up with a formula that checks if any other change orders exsist for a given project number, then gives is a 1,2,3 after that. So the…
Formula on Project Plan
Hi, I have five stages on a project plan, parent row s, with numerous child tasks underneath. I want to have a formula that marks child tasks based on this formula: =IF([% Complete]@row = "1", "ITEM COMPLETE", IF([% Complete]@row = "0", "ITEM NOT STARTED", "ITEM IN PROCESS")) The parent rows also have this formula: =IF([%…
Insert todays date on a project plan start date column
Hi, I use blueprint control center to replicate the templated project plan for every project that we approve. I want to automate the start of this project plan by entering the date it was created as the initial starting date for the first task. My plan is full of predecessors, so once the initial date is inserted in the…
Count IFs or Sum IFS Formula
Hello all!! So currently trying to get a sheet summary formula to show the number of Dealer ID's that are not enrolled. Pretty much just need the number of Dealer ID's shown on the SS when the Enrolled Checkbox Column is not checked. There should be 162 Dealer ID's that are not checked but the formula I am using is…
Show parent OR task at same level as parent in report
My past due report was showing the naked tasks without context, so I wanted to add the parent. I added a helper column with '=(PARENT(Tasks@row)) and grouped the report by that column. That works for some of the items, however here's the issue, some level 3 items have sub-tasks and others don't, so some tasks are at level…
Return a value if an item matches
Hello - new to formulas & struggling to get one to work. I have two sheets: One with the values in column format (Payer CSS Responses by Initiative) - this was done so specific drop down options can be chosen; and one that contains those same columns but in row format so that it easy to view (Payer CSS Template). What I'm…
My formula doesn't work when I choose the first of the month as Effective Date
this is my formula: =IFERROR(DATE(YEAR([Effective Date]@row) + ROUNDDOWN((MONTH([Effective Date]@row) + ([Contract Term (Months)]@row)) / 12, 0) + IF(IF(MOD(MONTH([Effective Date]@row) + ([Contract Term (Months)]@row), 12) = 0, 12, MOD(MONTH([Effective Date]@row - 1) + ([Contract Term (Months)]@row), 12)) = 12, -1),…