Date Percentage Formula Help
I need help with a formula. I have two date-formatted columns ("Archives Start Date" and "Archives End Date") and I need a formula that displays essentially "as of today, we're X% of the way between those two dates". Any help is greatly appreciated.
Remove duplicates from a row?
Is there a way to remove duplicate zip codes in a row of columns so only unique zip codes will be available when I concatenate them all into a combined zip code column? Example: If I have 4 columns of zip codes and Col 1 and Col 4 are duplicates, I only want to show Col 1's Zip Code once when I combined all the columns…
Formula not displaying percentage
I would like to display the most recent data from a cell in the metadata section of my Status Tracker sheet. Every week someone will manually update this information by adding a new date and then manually entering the percentage complete. All of the information at the to pulls in the most recent update in all of the cells…
Formula to get best poll time
I have created a poll with dates as column headers and several times as multi-drop down options. It created a fantastic web-form I was able to share easily with collaborators both inside and outside my organization. My question is, is there a formula I could apply in the Sheet summary to count the best time for each date,…
If cell is blank copy value from other column in same row?
I have a form our Sales team uses for customer interactions. I'm trying to work around the inability of Smartsheet to copy only specific cells from one sheet to specific cells in another sheet. I thought if my workflow copies the columns from the source sheet with the form attached to it to the destination sheet and then…
if function with dates
Hello fellow people @Paul Newcome @Genevieve P. @'in you both as you always been helpful to me i have a list of dates in a date column as per screenshot below I need to know out of which of those are within the next 12 months i would really appreciate your input please
Formula for identifying duplicate data between cells in two columns and noticing blank cells
Hello! As the title suggests, I am trying to think of a Formula that will tell me if there is matching data in the two cells in question. I have a Helper Checkbox Column for this and this is generally the formula I'm concocting so far. =IF(ISBLANK(Office@row), 0, IF(COUNTIF(Office:Department, Office@row) > 1, 1)) This…
Search all of Column A, for the value listed in that Column C, Return Value in Column B
Hi All, I'm having a bit of an issue trying to figure out this formula in smartsheet. I have a sheet with the following columns: Facility Name (Column 1: This is a listing of all facilities we are contracted with) Client ID (Column 2: This is a unique identifying number for that facility) Facility Parent Name (Column 3: If…
Aggregation sheet
I manage a workflow spreadsheet that has a dashboard attached to it, the dashboard looks to find total revenue along with total outstanding number of pieces of work, and the oldest date of the outstanding work. For some reason the oldest outstanding reference formula I'm using on the aggregation sheet isn't working as…
Creating Formulas for Metrics
Hi Everyone! I am looking to get some metrics for a dashboard. I am trying to make a formula that will give me the amount of entries I have on my grid. based on the Line of Business and the Quarter. Both the Quarter and LOB columns are drop downs. Quarter has Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 while the LOB has Food & Beverage/Dining,…