Predict or set which row a form writes to
I have a sheet that I am using to gather data from several different sources. I will need to create at least two forms for this which I will use to populate the top part of the Sheet. I am using an Index/Match to go to the row data that I need to pull from the forms responses, and that works great. Here's the issue: When a…
IF Statement Returning Incorrect results
I tried the AI feature for writing formulas and it gave me a slight variation of the formula below. I want it to look at the Discovery Completed column and if the box is checked then it should display the information in the cell for the Implementation Project Stage. If the box in Discovery Completed is not checked then it…
If Cell A is NOT blank AND Cell B is Not blank
I'm having trouble with my syntax I believe. I need to determine if Cell A AND Cell B are NOT BLANK then execute a function otherwise leave Cell C blank. The below is what I thought would work, however, I'm getting 'unpaseable' =IF(AND(NOT(ISBLANK([Case Product Removed]@row)), (NOT(ISBLANK([Case Product Re-Stocked]@row)),…
DAY Function
Hi everyone - I have 2 helper columns (Column Names: Apps scheduled for today and Apps scheduled yesterday) that is supposed to look at the create date and today's date to determine if a checkbox should be checked or not. Here are the formulas: Apps scheduled for today: =IF(AND(YEAR(Created@row) = YEAR(TODAY()),…
Can't get all IF AND parts of formula to work
Hi, I am creating a multi-part IF AND formula. Basically, I'm looking at two columns: Product and State IF Product = Science, assign to Mike Foster IF Product = Mathematics AND State = certain states, assign to Paula Smith If Product = Mathematics AND State = other certain states, assign to Bill Peace I've come up with the…
IF/AND/HAS for 3 column references, 6 options
Based on the content above for reference only, the actual sheet screenshot below. I need a formula or help with a helper sheet/workflow, to bring back one of 6 results. (above image) Tax Status Column is a dropdown with the 2 options shown, Bottling Location and Entity Columns are INDEX(COLLECT formulas (if it matters)…
Calculating % of Yeses in child rows from Yes/No Column
I am looking to get a percent of "yes" in a column named "Yes/No" in the parent row. Example, I have a parent row with 5 child rows - 4 of the child rows have "yes" one has "No" I am looking to show the % of "Yes" in this case the result should be 80% with Yes. Thanks
Tallying Totals in Summary
=COUNTIF(Created:Created, YEAR(@cell) = 2023) Generates invalid data type Created is a autogenerated date time column when the row is created. example of format - I can get a single cell from the column to return 2023 using the Year() function but when using it in the formula above with @cell it errors. I feel like I am…
Formula Help! VLOOKUP searching through a multi-select dropdown
I keep trying different variations and can't find it right: The formula that I used which is close would be =VLOOKUP([Item ID Number]@row, {Adult Sponsor List Range 1}, 3, false). Sheet 1: giving tree wish list Sheet 2: the adult sign-up list I want for the adult email address (listed in sheet 2) to be looked up and added…
Formula to join cells from a contact list column while maintaining the contact list type for filter
An example would be to have a "Team Sheet" that has a column for "Team Dept." and another column for "Team members" that is a contact list type. In another sheet called the "Project Sheet," We'd have a column for the Project name, one for "Team Dept.," and then another for "Team Dept. Members." I'd like to use Team Dept to…