Show my "next deliverable date" based on the child-parent task relationship?
Hi! I've been using the MIN and MAX children functions to roll up dates from child tasks, or sub-tasks, to the parent task. I also want to create a column that looks at the dates of each sub-tasks and grabs the one closest to today's date that has been marked as a deliverable so I know the "next upcoming due date" among a…
Formula to Exclude Blank Fields from a Workflow Alert Message?
I have an automated workflow setup to alert someone when a new row is added and specific criteria is met, however, I want to customize the alert message to only include specific fields if they aren't blank. Is there a way I can setup the workflow criteria with a formula so that that the message being sent will exclude…
IF certain columns are not blank then autofill another column based on this?
Hi, I want to autofill a column [Column 1] based on whether a number of other columns contain text/date, i.e. IF [Column 2] is not blank then put '-' in [Column 1] IF [Column 3] is not blank then put 'P1' in [Column 1] (this would override above) IF [Column 2] is not blank then put 'P2' in [Column 1] (this would override…
Help with a dynamic status column
Hi- I have a {{Status}} which is a drop down containing the follow options "Not Started", "In Process", and "Complete". I have 4 columns which are checkboxes. I would like the {{status}} to dynamically update based on the check boxes in the columns. If all the checkboxes@row = 0 then status would be "not started" but if…
How to set up multiple criteria on countifs
hi, I want to set up formula to count ideas that are: 1) Not checked in SCC, 2) Approval Status is not "Cancel/Reject", Portfolio is "ADA/Commerical", but it always gives me count as 1 only. I don't understand it. This is what I use in filter This is formula I use: =COUNTIFS({IDEA Request Sheet Range 1}, =0, {IDEA Request…
What is the Default data type for "auto-numbers"
I've created a "Client Database" using a sheet. We had 400+ rows of details input via an upload during the setup. Subsequent clients are added via a Form and the new client number is assigned via "auto number". In our project portfolio sheets I am using a Index Match formula to pull client groups and client name instead of…
INDEX & Match
I have what I am calling a 'Lookup' Worksheet. I also have a Change Order Log, an Invoice Log and a Contract Log. I would like the 'Lookup' worksheet to return all Change Order(s) info, Invoice(s) info and Contract info. Column 'PC #' is hidden and each of the columns to the right of 'PC #' contain Index & match functions.…
index and match formula that works in some places and not others
Hi, I have an index and match formula that works in some places and not others. I tried to attach a screen show that shows what I am trying to do along with this description. My formula in the Time and Attendance row works as expected. The data for overall status, scope, timeline, resources and funding are matched and…
How do I update my function syntax to stop getting the #INVALID DATA TYPE error?
I'm working within a sheet and trying to calculate the number of days between two dates. Above is a picture of what I'm seeing and my syntax is below. =NETWORKDAYS([Start Date]@row, [Date Completed]@row) I've tried to add IFERROR in a couple places and it didn't help with anything unfortunately. My Task Duration is set as…
Formula Help: Count number of time "Yes" occurs in a row?
Hi there! I am trying to write a formula that will count the number of times "Yes" appears across multiple columns in a single row. I am new to SmartSheet and having a hard time writing the formula. Can someone provide some guidance?