Return multiple values from one search criteria
Hi! I'm fairly new to Smartsheet formulas and have reviewed the community posts trying to find help to my question. I am trying to pull PTO requests from one sheet to another. VLOOKUP has always been a friend, but unfortunately does not pull multiple values. My lookup criteria is a single date, (ex 2/28/24) but there can…
Display most recent comment of Child Rows in parent row.
Hello, I'm looking for assistance in creating a formula that could be applied to a whole column that would display the most recent comment of a child row in the parent row. This would help to see the most recent update to a project at a glance in reports. After the screenshot, I made another column to collect the data, but…
I had a formula that was working all through the trials but then right before the roll out it stopped working! In one cell there's a column that Auto counts Responses no big deal there. In a cell in a different column =MAX([Row ID]:[Row ID]) // this counts the largest value so I can record the latest response In another…
Progress % based on status with cell linking
Hi I have two sheets, one acts as a master file for top level view only, the other is a more working doc. On the working doc, I have added a progress column, calculating the percentage of progress of the project based on the progress i.e. =IF([Activity Status *]@row = "Not Started", "0%", IF([Activity Status *]@row = "On…
Sheet Column for Missing Attachment
Hello, I'm pretty new to creating functions for columns and wanted to see if there is a way to have a Missing Attachment column displaying Yes or No depending on the attachments themselves for the row? It seems like the attachment "paperclip" itself can't be leveraged as a filter in the Work Insights graphs. Thanks! Jim
Index Match with multiple sheet references Help.
I am trying to use the index/match function across multiple reference sheets. (Formula #1 works but just across on reference sheet) =INDEX({Team X Email list}, MATCH([Five9 ID]@row, {Team X Five9 Username}, 0)) (Formula #2 does not work across multiple reference sheets) =INDEX({Team X Email list}, MATCH([Five9 ID]@row,…
How to Divide Across Sheets?
I am trying to take a value from the same column & row on a separate sheet and divide it by 160. I tried to go super simple and just do ={Sheet reference}/160 and got invalid. Any ideas on the best way to do this?
Help with formula in calculating time of service
I am working on a column formula (Years of Service) to calculate the years, months and days as of TODAY from the employees’ benefits service date see formula below I am using. =YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR([Benefits Svc Date]@row) - IF(DATE(YEAR([Benefits Svc Date]@row), MONTH(TODAY()), DAY(TODAY())) < [Benefits Svc Date]@row, 1,…
Pie Chart from Two Sheets
Hello I have two sheets that are in effect the same - same column headers etc, but different source data feeding in. I have a sheet summary on each. For example, if column 1 has a yes/no option, I do the following on each sheet: =COUNTIF([1. Internal Process]:[1. Internal Process], "yes") I now need to be able to combine…
Help with a NETDAYS formula
I have a formula in my sheet that is counting the days of an assignment since it was assigned. I would like it to stop counting once the row is marked complete or a date of completion is added. For example, in the screenshot below, the 37 in row 4 should be a 36 since the "Date Completed" column is filled in and/or the…