Formula Help
Hello, I have a formula to determine the days between two cells: =IF(OR([Status]@row = "CLOSED", ISDATE([Closure Date]@row) = 1), [Closure Date]@row - [Date Initiated]@row, TODAY() - [Date Initiated]@row) However, I need to add in to return "N/A" to the days open if the value within Date Initiated is N/A. I have a similar…
Counting Active Projects
Hey! I am wanting to count the number of projects in each department (e.g., Health Action) that are marked as active. I am currently using this formula where I manually enter how many inactive project to subtract from the total but I would like to have this imbedded in a formula so it updates automatically. Thank you!
Join row data formula
I have two sheets for a traning evaluation form. They both have a common column, TrainingID. Based on that column I want to bring in data from one sheet to another. Example: For all rows that have BLS05 as a Training ID, I want the data columns from Facilitator Information to merge with the Evaluation sheet Facilitator…
COUNTIFS for Escalation Tracking
I am looking to create a formula that counts the how many times over the last 12 months escalations of a certain deal size occurred. Deal size is represented as range of AUM in text format. The current formula I'm using is =COUNTIFS({Escalations Range 1}, "75M - 150M", {Escalations Range 2}, >TODAY(-365)) I created a…
Assistance with returning cell data base on most recent day in specified year.
I am trying to create a formula on a sheet summary that returns the information in my row titled Total that corresponds with the most recent date within a specified year. I came up with the following formula but it is returning #No Match =INDEX([Total]:[Total], MATCH(MAX(COLLECT([Report Date]:[Report Date], [Report…
Need a column formula to pull balance from last row
I have looked at multiple questions and threads on the community and not found an answer that works. I am trying to create a column formula that pulls the [Balance] from the previous row into the current row entry. I was getting a #circular reference error, I tried IFERROR and some recommendations on other posts, but…
move workflow stopped because of system column
Hello I have 2 sheets a master sheet and a sheet that is populated from a form. the first few columns on the master sheet are filled in via form, that data is then used for estimation which is filled into the second form. the data from the first form is added to the data from the second form on the second sheet using…
Index Match for Contact List
I'm using an IFERROR formula with INDEX MATCH to pull names from two separate sheets, both of which use a contact list column type. However, for some entries, I get a contact list icon (with the email attached), while for others, I only see the individual’s name as plain text. I can't figure out why there's an…
Different Dates on the one sheet
I am in Victoria, Australia and I am using a form to populate a sheet. I want to automatically populate the Inspection Date to be the date the row was created. I am using the formula =created@row The Created date, being the system generated date is correct, but as you can see the Inspection date using the above formula is…
I need to identify duplicate entries across columns on one row
Hi, I have a Crew list sheet for Sports TV Production. I have the positions listed in one column, and a column for the Crew Names for Game 1, Game 2, Game 3 and game 4. I need to identify duplicate entries across the columns for Games 1 - 4. I think I'd need a "helper" column for each of my "game" columns. I've been trying…