How to parse a value from a concatenated field?
Hello! I have a column in a sheet that is being populated with multiple pieces of information from Data Mesh. As shown in the example below, the cells in this column contain multiple dates. I would like to parse out a single date from this column (Actual Deadline Achieved) into another column. I don't need the text "Actual…
Creating a technology device loaning process
Good day everyone. I am new to the community but not new to Smartsheet. Have been using at my company for a number of years now. My team has acquired a quite a few pieces of equipment and it seems that we are constantly loaning them out to other teams for certain periods of time. I have been working on a loaning process…
Index Collect with OR
Hi all! I would like my Index Formula to populate if the content of a referenced cell is A OR B. Otherwise I want IFERROR to populate 'Not found'. I get the separate formulas to work but when I try to combine them with OR, I get #InvalidDataType and #InvalidValue. I understand why I am getting the latter, but can't riddle…
Calculating sum of Receipt Totals from another sheet based on criteria of 3 columns
Hello, I am trying to build a metrics sheet to put into my new dashboard. This workspace includes receipts/ invoices that have been submitted by employees. On the Metrics sheet, I have the following columns- Branch, Field Cost Center, Charge Account, Auto Code, Total (YTD). I am trying to pull the receipt totals from…
VLOOKUP/INDEX return client name from master
Hello - I am trying to create a dynamic dashboard where a client name can be changed based on need. I watched a video on YOUTUBE and it was very good but he was indexing on numbers. I need to match on latest name entered into form. I am not getting results, have tried VLOOKUP and INDEX. I now it is likely a simple mistake…
Why is a text field only appearing in automation responses as the column title and not row contents?
Hello - newbie to Smartsheet! Have reached a roadblock I hope I can get your help with. I am automating a report sent to a manager after their team member completes a Smartsheet form. The team member is assessing their ability on a scale of 1-4 against various role requirements. Due to form limitations on the number of…
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - Column Formula Configuration
Hello Everyone, Recently myself and two fellow Smartsheet Sales Engineers, @Lea Gikas and @Dave Stanley got together to create a WBS solution powered by Column Formulas. We wanted to provide the resulting configuration to the community in case some may find it helpful in executing project management solutions, this…
IFERROR, INDEX, MATCH, IF(AND( Formula for 5 sheets?
So, this is a doozy. I am trying to create one report that, when one piece of information is entered, pulls the rest of the necessary information from across five other sheets. I have seen a discussion on this forum about doing just that thing, but the difference is, I need to include certain criteria within the search,…
This discussion has been merged.
Index Match with multiple Parent/Child rows in a sheet.
Hello all, I'm looking for some advice on a tiered IF statement using index/match and CHILDREN formulas. My case: I receive numerical data from another metric sheet that copies it snapshots into this archive once a month. There may be times where we need to edit the historical data. To ensure the % columns are updated I…