Card View for Reports
All, Has there been any progress with adding card view to reports? Has this been an approved feature and scheduled for a release? Our company has been pushing a move to JIRA because of the gap with smartsheet in allowing our teams to view user stories across multiple products/sheets. Although there are other benefits I…
Automation Trigger "When Rows are Changed" not working
I have been banging my head on this. I need to set up a very simple trigger that when a cell is updated, a notification is sent about that row. I am using the "When Rows are Changed" trigger and defining my cell condition, and filters. I have also tried the "When Rows are added or changed" trigger with no success. I have…
Time Tracking - Hours and Minutes
I was working on a way to track some task hours and minutes... came up with this: One of the problems I ran into is that if you put "00" (double-ought) or any minute with a preceding zero, it would error. You can see the work-around I made, not the most elegant, I admit.. If Smartsheet could ignore preceding zeros, it…
Using IF and CONTAINS in one formula
I am trying to create a formula that returns: Tolerable if the answer is Low Tolerable if the answer is Medium Acceptable if the answer is High Acceptible if the answer contains Urgent. I need to figure out how to use "CONTAINS" because some answers have dashes and other things that mess up the formulas. =IF(Answer@row =…
Dashboard access via link not showing the user as logged in.
So, I am having an issue with my published dashboard. I have embedded a report utilizing the current user function. I have found that when my team accesses the dashboard by manually navigating to it through SmartSheet, the report works perfectly and they are able to view it. However, when they use the published link (which…
Seeking consultants
We're an organisation responsible for government facilities management, asset management and projects . We currently use Smartsheets but require refined and custom built business solutions to assist in business operations. We're seeking expressions of interest for Smartsheets consultancy services and ongoing support.
(SS Gov and Gov email) How to resolve 'disable' link (Gov) when email sent to Gov customer
(Note: I am posting the same @ different group/community. Please ignore if read already) Our experience with SmartSheet Gov (below) In the event of invitation from SmartSheet to become a member, edit a sheet and request for update, the email received in the outlook to any user with “mil.mail”, links are disabled and…
Publishing Dashboards from .gov version to Government SharePoint with controlled Web Browsers
I am using Smartsheet.Gov version where I am setting up Dashboards and Publishing them to a Government SharePoint Site. We are having an issue getting the charts to display on the dashboards on government approved browsers (IE and Chrome). The charts render correctly when accessed directly in Smartsheet when using…
summing up data for multiple people with text data?? and no Sheet Summary function
Hello, I'm hoping someone will be able to help me, I'm a Government user so I don't have access to all the functions that a regular user of Smartsheets would have, like Sheet Summary. So i may not be able to do what I am wanting to do, or i just can't think of how to do it. My team has a simple task tracker where we track…
Need report to prompt for string search
Hi, I am creating a sheet tracking City's address modifications. There should be a report where users can see if there already were rows with similar address. Hope there is a way to enter a search string for report to show rows whose address column has such string. Something like {{Enter search string}}...