Multisite Clinical Research
Hello, I am new to smartsheets and use it for work here, in the healthcare field. I am trying to figure out the best way to utilize smartsheets to track productivity for a multisite clinical trial. I have found some articles describing how you can use other products along with smartsheets to track just single site clinical…
Combined IF AND formula with range
Good afternoon, I am trying to return values in a cell based on data in another cell as it falls between a range Here is the range: 1 Star 299 - 966 2 Star 967 - 1160 3 Star 1161 - 1330 4 Star 1331 - 1509 5 Star 1510 - 2300 I've gotten through 1 Star and 2 Star but am receiving an error when I try to tack on the next range…
AVERAGEIF value between a date range
Hello, I am creating a metrics sheet that cross references an archive sheet and am looking to pull statistics within monthly ranges. I want to return a monthly average of the Total ADL Score within a monthly range which is determined by the ARD (Due) Date column. This data is returned to my metrics sheet (Sheet name: Avon…
COUNTIFs formula with Date Range
Hello, I am trying to create a monthly trend report. The report function is not specific enough for what I need, so in order to do this, I have created a metrics sheet that references 21 different originating sheets. To fill my metrics sheet, I need to use a COUNTIFS formula to reference a date range. I've tried it a few…
Census Information for a company
Is there a way to add and delete employee info with an automation and formula. I need to get accurate count of how many people are in the company and what tier they fall into. I would like to have an up-to-date sheet. Updated Census Sheet
Send alert to task's assignee when predecessor task's status changes to complete
Hi all. New, enthusiastic user here hoping for some guidance. In setting up a repeating process, I have dependencies/predecessors clearly identified. Wonderful! Now, how does one set an alert/notification to auto-send to a task's assignee when the task's predecessor's status changes to "Complete"?
LookUp and Match a value located in a cell with multiple values and return single and/or multiple va
Hi, I am hoping someone can help with this formula. I was able to get this working using VLOOKUP when there were fewer complexities. In Sheet 2 when there is a value in the "Lot Number" cell, * The formula should look at Sheet 1 to see if the "Lot Number" matches and exists in any of the cells located under the Lot Number…
Employee Fit Testing Tracking
I am very new to creating my own smart sheets, I am looking to create a tracking of Employee Respirator Fit Testing. This sheet would need a away to annually updated by testing completion date as well as the type of mask they tested on, noting that some employees with have to complete fit testing on multiple masks each of…
Date 6 months out (to the day)
Hello colleagues and guests. I would like to learn a forumula to retrieve a date that is exactly six months later than a known date; i.e. Jan 1 - July 1, Feb 4 - Aug 4. Presently, I'm using 182 days, which is close, but not exact. I'm also new at SS, so I am just now learning syntex, etc., regarding functions and formulas.…
Our newest template set, Vaccination Tracking, has just been published to Solution Center!
Organizations authorized to administer vaccinations during a period of great demand face an uphill battle; the requirement to precisely track, manage, and report on individual records, while facilitating a high-volume request intake process, is unprecedented. With the Vaccination Tracking template set, organizations can…