Dashboards: Reverting back to a version of a dashboard
Hello Smartsheet Community! New idea / suggestion: can we get the ability to revert back to a version of a dashboard - similar to how the Google Suite works? Use case: we have our engagement managers create external dashboards to share with customers. Sometimes, they overwrite (accidentally) the internal dashboard and…
Column Description Export and in Dynamic View
It would be very helpful to be able to export column header descriptions when exporting to Excel. It would also be very helpful to be able to see column descriptions in dynamic view.
Cross-sheet reference error for which sheet?
Hi, I keep facing this issue as below: But I am unable to tell if this error specifies about the sheet I am working on or the sheet from where it is pulling data ? So, for example, if I am applying formula in sheet 1 to extract data while referring to sheet 2. And I see cross-sheet reference error, the error does not…
Connect Smartsheet Items to Tasks for Completion in M365
Hi Having tasks connected to Microsoft 365 tasks will help with efficiency in project task completion. There are two main ways for collecting and organising tasks. Flagging an email Creating a task in To Do / Planner Having project tasks in your calendar is helpful, but with the ability to have it become a task (without…
Dashboard - add ability to get a Dynamic View directly from Widget Behavior
When adding a widget to the dashboard, if I want the Widget Behavior to open a Dynamic View, I have to go find the URL and use the "Open another site" option and drop in the URL. A better option would be to be able to use the "Open a Smartsheet item" option and be taken to the list of DVs to choose from. Thanks!
Calendar App Multi Month View - Show Full Calendars behind tasks
My team has a request to see a multi-month calendar view of deliverables, which I can deliver using the Calendar app. However, there are just columns for the months. Can the columns be replaced by the calendar for that month, with the deliverables on the appropriate day(s)? This would help us with planning around…
Store Update Requests with Conversations or at least with Row
We use the Smartsheet as part of a Billing team workflow. During this workflow we receive intake information from a form. The billing team reviews and then sends manual update requests (we do have some automated) back to the original requestor for clarification . If someone on the billing team is looking for the history on…
On/Off Switch for Row Auto Formatting
I believe there is a need for an on/off switch for row auto formatting. I understand I can go in and set formatting conditions or make a helper column but why. When there can be a simple on and off switch? For example: I have created a working budget report with a parent, child, and sub child rows. So a Project Manager can…
New Badge - Control Center Lead Certification
It would be awesome if there was a Community badge for the new Control Center Lead Certification!
"View Only" in title of published item is misleading
In many of our dashboards, we embed links to dynamic views. We try to make it easier for users who have to provide updates to have one place to go to see their stats and perform the needed actions. The Published versions always have (View Only) in the top title bar, even when a user is allowed to make entries. It's an…