DYNAMIC VIEW header instructions.
The dynamic view is a great way to share information and collect information from a wide audience without " sharing" each individual or group to a sheet or report. By definition, the users I share information with are casual users of Smartsheet, or this Dynamic view may be their only interaction. It would be great if we…
Community Mobile App
I enjoy having the Smartsheet Mobile App on my phone… could be cool to have one for the Community too! And while we’re at it… how about a Community badge for people who use the Smartsheet Mobile App?
Hide/unhide colums by filter
It would be ideal to have the ability to setup multiple views when working with several organizations /departments. We have a sheet that has 5 different organizations that will need to edit a task list and gant chart and would love the ability to have each org only be able to see their column and not all of the columns.
Merged: Automation-Driven Email Notifications at any time of day
This discussion has been merged.
Dynamic view @mentions - email not to take the user to the underlying sheet
the email notification to the @mention take them back to the underlying sheet, this defeats the purpose of keeping the user out of the base sheet. When the end user get the email notification, it should take them back to the dynamic view to add the comment.
Proofs Numbering System
When going through iterations of a form/document, there are times where the version does not jump immediately from 1 to 2. A lot of times, especially when collaborating, the versions go something more akin to 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc. before it is fully approved to become the new version 2. There could be an option to add a…
Resource Management - Mobile Site - Ability to submit timesheets
It would be great to be able to submit timesheets from the Resource Management Mobile Site. The app becomes relatively redundant if users still have to use the desktop app for the main purpose they use the application.
Linking Cells with Date Restricted Format
I discovered last week that linking cells between sheets does not work if the cell being linked to is restricted to a date. Smartsheet technical help confirmed that this cannot be done. I'm not sure why this is the case, but this seems like important basic functionality, and from a user standpoint, I see no reason why we…
Create third Automation sender
It would assist with systems updating, if there was a third option for notifications to come from. In addition to the notifications going out from the triggering user or Smartsheet, it would be helpful to have an option where the notification only goes out from the Owner. As the administrator, I need to work in the sheet…
Dynamic Notification Email Customization Field in Automation Setup
It would be awesome if, when setting up automations, there were a check box for "Send Custom Email?" that opened up a dynamic field when checked. If checked, a new menu opens that allows you to edit the From, Subject, Message, etc. fields in the notification email sent to users in the designated column(s) utilized in the…