Allow Ownership Transfer for Jira Connector for Smartsheet
If a licensed user has set up a flow between a Jira Project and a Smartsheet sheet and they give notice or leave unexpectedly, there is no way to transfer ownership of the flow over to another licensed user. There is also no way to proactively transfer ownership over to another licensed user. The workaround from the…
Defer an Update Request - and ability to review
I'm building a workflow to accomplish this now but it'd be nice to have a 'button' or some option to defer an update request to another contact. You should still be able to 'approve' the update they make but to be able to ask someone for assistance prior to ultimately sending your update in. The workflow I'm creating…
Lock Chart Widget Colors to maintain the colors your customers select
Why this idea? This week we added a new value to a Status column in a grid sheet that feeds several reports that feed over 40 pie chart widgets across our dashboards. The widget colors were completely changed on every pie chart on all related dashboards, including the one viewed by our C-suite executives! This caused a…
Smartsheet API to assign a resource management project
Please provide an API that enables me to assign a resource management project to a sheet. Also allow for a query to see what resource management project may already be assigned to sheet.
API to set a contacts sheet column to a placeholder
Current, when using the smartsheet API, you can only set a sheet contact column to an email address. However, if the sheet is attached to a resource manager project, it needs to also allow setting to a RM placeholder.
Export comments in a separate workbook tab with Data Shuttle
Hi All, I'm using Data Shuttle to offload a Smartsheet for further refinement and analysis. When I normally export the Smartsheet into an Excel File, it includes the comments on the rows as a separate workbook tab, but when offloading the Smartsheet into a file via an automated process, the comments are lost. It would be…
enable attachment upload for specific user or sheet
Please can you make it possible to enable the ability to upload documents (Attachments) for either specific users or specific sheets. Currently it can only be turned on for the whole organisation however, this is in conflict with Organisational Security Policies where the ability to do this needs to be controlled to limit…
Edit in Card View
Similar to the way that there a tabs on the right side to see comments and attachments, can we add an "Edit" tab for Card View? When I am editing multiple cards, I would be able to do so quicker, if I could permanently have an "Edit" tab open so that when I right click on the Card, all of my editable fields will be easily…
Generated Documents as Email Attachments
As the topic states, it would be great if we could simply attach our generated documents to an e-mail with a quick message OR remove everything except for the custom message and the link. ------------ Full explanation: We use a form to gather a sales request from customers (perfect, no notes). Then we use an automation to…
Put data on same row if linking multiple forms from the same sheet together
If a sheet has multiple forms that utilizes unique columns in each row, it would be nice to be able to have those forms daisy chained (i.e. when you submit one form you are taken to the next form) and have the data from all the forms populate on the same row (maybe this can be done by assigning a unique ID to the parent or…