Global Regional Preferences
There needs to be a way to switch all our user's Regional Preferences on a global level. The default is "English (United States)", but for those of us outside the US, the users will need to manually update the preferences under personal settings. The Regional Settings affect currency and date formats.
Merged: Click & Drag To Rearrange Sheet Summary Fields
This discussion has been merged.
Enhancements Needed for "Generate Document"
I was very excited about the new feature for generating documents from a sheet row and being able to send it out for DocuSign approval. My first attempt to use it was for a volunteer application. I wanted to send applicants a copy of the information they had provided through an application form, add some additional consent…
Merged: Allowing Groups in Automations
This discussion has been merged.
Merged: Toggle commenter name on/off in "Latest Comment" field
This discussion has been merged.
Document Builder - Add "Remain Fillable" options for fields
Currently if you generate a PDF using Document Generation, all mapped fields lose their "Fillable" status once the PDF is generated, even if the source cell from the Smartsheet is blank/null. It would be nice to be able to have a setting per field if it should "Remain Fillable" after generation so that it can be edited…
Pin Scroll Bar on Dashboard
It would be a good enhancement for dashboard if users have the ability to pin the scroll bar. Currently, we would have to hover over the dashboard for the scroll bar to be visible. Sometimes, users are not aware there's a scroll bar, so important information could be missed or not communicated in a timely manner.
Misleading CAPTCHA information on forms
When setting up the options on a form, there is an option to "Reduce spam with CAPTCHA." Most users would assume that a CAPTCHA window or graphic would be displayed before the form could be submitted but that is not the case. Having worked with Smartsheet Support we understand now that the form may be using "reCAPTCHA V2…
Different Locations for Smartsheet Engage
It would be nice if, on occasion, Smartsheet Engage took place on the East Coast, or better yet, somewhere in the Midwest(Illinois, Indiana or Ohio perhaps).
Attachment on submitted forms
I would like to see the ability for a person that submits a form through Smartsheet to have an attachment of that submission sent to them automatically. Currently an email can be sent with the information but if i want to upload that information to another system you must use another application like snip it to save as an…