Is there option to hide comments (Default from SmartSheet) in Notification
Is it possible to hide highlighted comments from SmartSheet notification
Merged: Export a report as shown with formatting in Smartseet
This discussion has been merged.
Automated Reply Emails: Total Row Counts/ Remove row lines from alert
Hello: We've had a request to include a total number of rows in an alert email. Is that something that can be added to the automated emails that go out from smartsheet? An option to include the total row count in the bottom would be ideal. (I am aware that going through the update screen can provide a " 1 of x" counter,…
Ability to See Integration and App Users
Smartsheet has come out with many great integrations and enhancement modules that our teams use. However, many of those are tied to a user and must be manually recreated or transferred to another owner if that user leaves the org. Or, an integration may be running but others don't know about it and it can break from the…
New User Role: Collaborator
Problem: the current user roles are very limited to control structural changes on the spreadsheets, such as add/delete columns, add/delete rows & change columns titles, and letting the user modify cells content. Admin / Edit - let the user to change the file structure and modify cells ** This creates chaos as anyone that…
Generate an one time passcode for Form Submission
Hi Smartsheet team, I like to suggest to have a one time passcode for form submission as I like to collect information when needed and do not want user to share the link to others. As the request of info is going to use for exception request and do not want our users to freely share the link.
100,000 cells cross reference feature request
Hi Smartsheet team, It would be a good idea to include a function/feature to find out if i am near 100,000 total limit of cells referenced in cross-sheet references (for the index match). Thank you! Ling
Capability to Share sheet template in Dashboard
I have created checklist template but currently I don't have a way of sharing this template via Dashboard. (Only thing I find is to move it to shared workspace but this does not work for us right now as a solution. ) It'll be great if we can share the template via Dashboard for others to use.
Save a report as a new Grid
It would be incredibly useful if I could save a custom report as a new grid. I recently had been collecting rows by a created report. But determined to take that report and make a new grid from it. There was no easy way to do this. I had to download the data to CSV, then copy and paste it back into a new grid. It seems…
Delete in calendar view
Be able to delete an entry in calendar view instead of having to go to the grid view to delete the entry.