Create a Link to A Filtered Sheet
Does anyone know of a way to link to a filtered sheet? I want to create a number of links on a dashboard which when clicked on will show the same smart sheet but with a different filter applied. e.g. I could have a link that says "Red items" and another that says "Blue Items" the interaction on the link would be to open…
Splunk Integration
Is there any update or information regarding an integration to Splunk?
Unable to disable DataTable connections to sheets. Has anyone encountered this?
I have not had any issues in the past with disabling the connections. I have 30 sheets with connections, when I disable the connections they show disabled but after a few minutes they become active on there own. The sheets have many connections to them via formulas (index/match) and smartsheet apps (dynamic view, data…
Is it possible to visualize Power BI data in SmartSheet?
Our company utilizes Power BI to track project dates and we'd like to be able to auto-update these specific dates into a SmartSheet sheet based on similar project numbers used in both systems. We want the dates imported from Power BI into SmartSheet, not SmartSheet info into Power BI. Is this possible? Thanks!
Integrate with Outlook with Dates and Times and Assignee Information
The outlook integration as it exists is nice if you only have one or two projects. As a single user I manage hundreds of projects at a time I would like to be able to sync my calendar to outlook in a more integrated format. For example, when i set a task or appointment date in Smartsheet I would like to be able to…
how to build Gantt with dependencies
Hey, We are R&D company developing large-scale capital equipment. I've built a very detailed Gantt and need help with the central issue of blocking other parallel tasks. We have many different projects on the same machine and machine time is the most valuable asset in the company. How do I block other tasks when they…
Slack Integration: How can I systematically retrieve the row from the slack notification
I have row update notifications going to Slack as notifications in a workflow. I am also able to listen to that Slack channel from my application. How can my application find out which rowId is being referred to - can the URL be interpreted somehow? Thanks, James.
Expandable/Collapsible Columns with buttons (not hiding)?
Is there any capability in Smartsheets similar to this excel screenshot where columns are able to be expanded and collapsed in a grouping using a button? The scenario at hand is supplier contact information being tacked on in several columns at the end of a sheet and it isn't information used on a regular basis but needs…
Drag & Drop Emails from Outlook to Smartsheet in Chrome & Email is Deleted from Outlook
When dragging the email from my Outlook window to Smartsheet in Google Chrome it removes the file from my Outlook entirely and the email is gone. I tested this in MS Edge and confirmed it does not happen when using Edge; the file copies and uploads to Smartsheet without deleting it from Outlook. * Windows 10 Pro for…
Sheet API Info
Something you can reference on a sheet to see what APIs are attached and who the owner of the API is. Pivot, DataMesh, DynamicView, WorkApp, etc. You need a method to ensure you don't break something but you have to know what could be broken first. Related to the Sheet Statistics request.