What type of Docusign subscription do I need to get the integration?
Will this only work with enterprise? Will a Business Pro Account work? Are there any other subscription levels that integrate? Thanks, Jeff
I need help so that I can calculate a percentage of completion
Guys, I need some help. I am struggling with calculating the percentage of completion of the whole sheet based on how many tasks are Complete in the Status column, or maybe better said to calculate the completion percentage based on the Parents Status in the Status column. Thank you and I am waiting for your advice.
iOS 13 and SmartSheet
For any Apple developers, have you tried the beta version of iPad OS, Safari and SmartSheet? I am so wanting to eliminate carrying my Windows laptop just for SmartSheet administration. The current SmartSheet apps don't allow it and neither does the mobile version of Safari in iOS 12. Please let me know your experiences so…
JIRA Connector Filtered Out Issue
Hello everyone, I'm new using the JIRA <> Smartsheet and we are trying to connect a Kanban JIRA Board with our own Smartsheet. On this process, I'd got the following message in my sheet: "Filtered Out by Connector—Not Synced". This is causing that those rows are not longer syncing issues in JIRA. On that idea, as a context…
Data Uploader feature
Hello Smartsheet community! I am a new member and I am trying to learn about Data Uploader. I would like to use Data Uploader in Smartsheet to load data into Multiple (Smartsheets)? Are there any tutorial videos that can help? What steps do I need to follow. Thank You for your help and guidance in advance.
When using Dynamic View logic, is it not possible to hide columns until approval?
I have quite a number of columns and I don't want all of them displayed in the panel until a trigger is reached for a grouping of each section. For example, until a recommendation is approved, I am hiding about 20 columns. Once approved, I want to make the next set of about 5 columns revealed for edit and once that…
Is there a way to download SmartSheet form as a PDF?
I want to be able to use Smartsheet form as a PDF also in cases where I have to manually write information or use the form as a Job Sheet for Complaint/Servicing form. How can I do that? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Count how many jobs start in a month
I am trying to create a formula that counts how many jobs are due to start in a month, that havent already been started. I have created the below formula to try and count the jobs in the current month: =COUNTIFS({Tippa JC Status}, ="", {Tippa Start}, MONTH({Tippa Start}) = MONTH(TODAY())) Then I try and modify it to the…
Do refresh token expire ?
In Smartsheet, the refresh token generated using the OAuth 2.0 flow , do they expire ? If yes, what's the expiry time ? (I'm asking for refresh token , not access token).