Collaboration between two client who both use SmartSheet
Looking for suggestions / best practices to make the most of SmartSheet with an important client who is ALSO a huge SmartSheet user. First step they requested is a simple file repository - will grow from there...
Activate filter by pressing enter
Has anyone had the same problem since the new Filter was released... you cannot activate the filter you have just created by pressing enter. you have to click on 'APPLY' with your mouse or touch screen. Smartsheet - the new filters are amazing... but we really need the option to activate the filter on 'enter' not having to…
BUG - Forum search operation (redundant results)
So, when you do a search in the forum, it will bring up forum entries that match your criteria based upon a search requirement. Now, the problem is that each one of those search results will have the same title, and even the same display text, they just repeat in the list over and over again. Example: Discussion Title…
Enhancement Request: Please fix SEARCH
I really don't like the search feature implementation. I get too many false positives and the wildcard usage is just plain annoying. So, here's a few things that might make me less annoyed. 1. In the Type section, let me search Column names. We can already search Sheet and Sight names. I've written the code in Python, so…
Search content within an attached document and metadata
Saw a bunch of post about search and it not searching what everyone needs it to. My suggestion, the two biggest features of SharePoint are SEARCH and RESTORING deleted rows (items). SS - C'mon man. You gotsta prioritize this. Admins have to sleep at night.
Enhancement Request: Improved Community Search
If this is already possible, I can't find it. I want to be able to filter and search by Topic. If this is not implemented, why should I bother clicking the selections? For example, if I wanted to search ONLY the items that were tagged with "Comments" and not get a hit on just a phrase like "she made comments" Craig
Removing Answer Choices from Webform
I am making webform for event sponsorships. I would like the sponsors to select which events they want to sponsor - but each event can only have one sponsor. Is there a way to have a dropdown menu that eliminates choices once someone else has selected them? For instance, if I have sponsor event A, event b and event c, then…
Enhancement Requests: Community / Help search
The number of threads on the Community has grown since i became active. In March 2016, there were about 2300 threads. There's more than double that now (466 pages x 10 per page) I'd like to see some improvements so I can find things more quickly. The search I am talking about is either here: Thanks Craig
Search Function
While I appreciate the new Ctrl + F search function within a sheet, it seems to only work fully when all nested rows are expanded. You cannot "find" something that is in a collapsed row. Are other people experiencing this same issue?
Search functionality - returning matches on subset of a search string. Also, wild card usage is non
It appears that Search is not working correctly. Please review the Search functionality and also the use of wild cards. 1) The search results will include matches to the full search string but also to any 3+ characters within that string. For example: A search for beets would return a results list that would include beets…