WorkApps: ADMIN/Editor role
We have developed two end user workflows that are based around the work app. As of now I'm the only person who can edit the workapp we are using for multiple locations onboarding tracking. This a huge single point of failure. I should be able to add admins to this app to help respond to access request or help managing…
Workapps Home Page Going away?
Workapps is the greatest thing I have come across in 20+ years of process and portfolio management. Having users login to Workapps.smartsheet.com is awesome. All of there processes or department are in their own Workapp. No reason to go to a clunky or over loaded home page, no need for shortcuts to all these different…
Dynamic View tips
Hello, We are new to Dynamic View and would love to hear from more seasoned users about your experience with using DVs in WorkApps. Also, with no way of arranging dynamic views into folders, how do people keep their space organised? Thank you, Alice
Workapp Permissions
I have created a few Workapps that I want to deploy and I have assigned people to the roles. According to this article, I should be able to share the Workapp with people and not have to grant access via the dynamic views that are linked as pages. However, when I have people try to open the workapp, they get a not…
Auto login to Resource Management from Dashboards and WorkApp
While Smartsheet did recently release a method for accessing Resource Management from the left navigation, our team finds more value in looking at the "Reports" I've set up within RM. Reports that I've embedded within our Smartsheet WorkApp, as well as within Smartsheet Dashboards. Issue is, when trying to review the…
WorkApps (Dynamic View Link) Stopped Working
Hi All, Any ideas what might be going on? I am on the phone on hold for support and may not be able to hang on long enough today to speak with a live person. I created several pages in WorkApps for my boss and now several of them are not working. This has happened to several pages in this WorkApps but not all of them. What…
How to share WorkApps with view only colleagues on an enterprise plan?
Hello! We have an enterprise plan for our company and with 2 licenses on it. I have created a workapp to share some sheets and share a dashboard in one place. Yet I am not sure why I got this message from them when they tried to access it. Could you please help as from my understanding this should be free on the plan we…
Change the order of Roles/View As within Workapp
I have not been able to find a way to change the order of roles within the workapp once they are created. It would be beneficial to have the opportunity to change the order of the roles within a workapp once new roles are added to allow for the most important role to be seen first when you enter a workapp followed by the…
WorkApps and PowerBI?
Does WorkApps on SmartSheet integrate with PowerBI? I'm trying to take information from a sheet managed by another department that they shared with me that's on WorkApps, but when I go to "Get Data → SmartSheet (Legacy/Beta)" on PowerBI I see all the sheet I own or I'm shared to besides the ones within WorkApps. If not is…
Search Bar on Workapp
Hello, I am reaching out to discuss a challenge my team has been facing with our Workapp. We have built out an extensive workapp with multiple reports, dashboards, and sheets. As we continue to grow and add more data, it has become increasingly difficult for the team to search for specific keywords and find the data they…