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WorkApps: ADMIN/Editor role

We have developed two end user workflows that are based around the work app.

As of now I'm the only person who can edit the workapp we are using for multiple locations onboarding tracking. This a huge single point of failure. I should be able to add admins to this app to help respond to access request or help managing pages.

59 votes

On Wishlist · Last Updated

This is a great idea. We agree that multi-admin support for WorkApps is important, and our team is thinking about ways to deliver this capability. If we believe we can make this idea a reality, we'll plan to update the status here.



  • Andrea Zenner
    Andrea Zenner ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/31/23

    It would be very helpful if more than one person could edit WorkApp configuration.

    We share support and it would be helpful when one of us is out of the office, someone else could make updates.

    It would also be helpful when turning over support when someone leaves the company.


    Andrea Zenner

    Program Manager | Infrastructure & Operations

    Apogee Enterprises

    EAP | Mobilizer | Core Product Certified | Superstar

  • I have created a Work App to review upcoming projects with my team. We would greatly benefit from being able to have multiple admin-level users on a single work app or role. Just like you're able to adjust on individual sheets, I would like to have the same customization on a Work App. Some people use their granted roles individually and need access to be able to add and remove sheets, add and remove users, adjust how items are viewed (edit, hidden, view-only), rearrange items within a role, etc. It would be very helpful if I could grant them these permissions so we can all function as admins and continue using the sheet efficiently.

  • SJ Sellers
    SJ Sellers ✭✭✭✭

    What happens when people go on vacation and we need to add a new item to a WorkApp?

    I know they can "transfer owner" if the time off is planned. But what if they go on medical leave unexpectedly? There is no backup support to maintain the app!

  • Michael Stoyanovich
    edited 07/27/23

    I am the owner of over 100+ WorkApps. It would be great to have multiple Admins of the WorkApp like in Workspaces. That way I could have members of my team do things for me (you know, I could delegate). Thanks!

  • MHalvey
    MHalvey ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/28/23

    I love this idea! I honestly think EVERY application should have sharing with multiple levels of permissions - Data Shuttles, Bridge workflows, Calendar, DataMesh, Pivot App, etc. Having more than one Admin could mean others could manually run a Data Shuttle and not just the owner for example. Additionally since most of these applications live outside of the Admin Center when deactivating or Deleting a user. If they were a licensed user and leaving my company, I'd have to sit with them make sure they transfer all premium application made items before they leave otherwise there isn't an easy way to transfer a calendar app or other items they owned. As a system admin, I'd love to see "Transfer Premium Application items.." in this dropdown under the Admin Center - User Management section.

    Michael Halvey

    "Strive for Progress, not Perfection."

  • bjohnson12
    bjohnson12 ✭✭
    edited 10/09/23

    I agree 1000% on this feature needs to be added to a future update. I manage multiple WorkApps and if for some unexplained reason I had to go on LOA or be OOTO for an emergency I am the only one with editor access or to grant permission to people. Even if the owner was just allowed to set a delegate that would be beneficial.

    Thank you!

  • JeffMan
    JeffMan ✭✭

    I also am having the same issue. When is smartsheet going to resolve this huge gap in functionality?

    Issue: I cannot figure out how to give someone else permissions to edit the WorkApps that I created.

    Description of the issue: I am the owner of a workapp. I want to assign someone else (Portfolio Coordinator) on my team to be able to update/edit the workapp. The Portfolio Coordinator needs to be able to add roles and add permissions to sheets in the workapp. However, I don’t know how to set up someone else to be able to do these tasks. It appears that only an App OWNER can do those tasks. I do not want to transfer ownership to the Portfolio Coordinator. I just want her to be able to update the workapps as my backup/secondary administrator. I read through Smartsheet documentation online and cannot find out how to have another person to be able to edit the apps, unless I transfer ownership.

    Can you help me to understand my options? Is it possible for someone to edit the app, who is NOT the OWNER?

  • Anna Makhina
    Anna Makhina ✭✭✭✭

    At the moment only the app owner can create and edit roles in WorkApps. What if the owner is absent? It would be great to have a chance to let a few users to manage WorkApps as admin

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  • Cathy Salscheider
    Cathy Salscheider ✭✭✭✭✭

    Totally agree. With enterprise solutions, shared support for all apps is mandatory. We are very excited to use Work Apps, but are not looking forward to the support headache it may cause in the current state. thanks.

  • AVP
    AVP ✭✭
    edited 10/09/23

    I fully agree this is a huge problem for our organization. I would love to delegate an Admin who can provide access, add sheets, etc.

  • Scott Peters
    Scott Peters ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If you are the designer/owner of a WorkApp, and you take a day off, no one can edit or add to the WorkApp until you return. It would be better if System Admins could see and work with WorkApps under construction, so they can share in the design, or perform maintenance as needed.

    It is true that you can transfer ownership of a WorkApp, but that requires forethought and cannot account for sick days, etc.

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