When will report card views be editable on dashboards and workapps
The sheet card view functionality works so beautifully on dashboards and workapps 😍 (image attached of sheet setting options on workapps). Will this be available soonish for card views on reports? Currently, the only editable report option is grid view on workapps. The workaround I'm implementing is to add the card view…
Quickly Navigate Back to Smartsheet from WorkApps
Hi Community, Did you get tired of having to open a separate browser tab when you wanted to return to Smartsheet from a WorkApp? We sure did, well not anymore! Our latest update allows users to seamlessly navigate from WorkApps back to their work in Smartsheet with just one click by selecting the Smartsheet icon on the…
Big Time Saver: You Can Now Add Page Permissions in WorkApps
Hi Community, Are you tired of having to manually go into each role and set individual permissions whenever adding a new page to WorkApps? Not anymore! Smartsheet’s new features now allows users to set permissions whenever they add a new page in WorkApps, reducing the number of clicks it takes to change role settings as…
Filtered Dashboards? Setting up a dashboard for a specific location
Hey guys, We are going to be using Smartsheet to track initiatives of our stores. Each of our 120 stores will have 6-20 initiatives inputted into a single form, each as its own row. This form has about 30 columns of various data points, including the store number, and the store manager (contact list). The managers will log…
Edit locked columns via WorkApp
Hello, I have a sheet that is shared to a couple of groups of people. One group has Admin access to the sheet so they can edit locked columns, the other does not (only want them editing certain columns). I would like to have all users access the sheet via a report on a WorkApp. My question is, will the admin access…
How to Workapps transfer ownership?
It is possible to transfer the ownership of an app made in Workapps? I made an app and i want to transfer it to a colleague, is this possible? Thanks!
Workapps Landing Page: show ALL apps in one view
Please combine "Apps Shared with you" and "Apps owned by you" onto a single landing page. I use the two considerable more than the ones I'm shared with, yet its an extra click to get to that page for editing. I know they show up on my SS home page but they aren't editable from there. There is plenty of real-estate to…
Use Cases or Best Practices: WorkApp Permissions vs. Sheet Permissions
I am just starting to dig into WorkApps and think it could be the perfect solve for my project. I'm trying to weigh the benefits of permission levels in WorkApps vs. on the source sheets within smartsheet. My initial thought is that only those who own or influence the over process and intent of the app should have access…
Can I embed a Smartsheet WorkApp onto a SharePoint site?
Could you please help me how to find the embedded code of WorkApps. I need to embed a Smartsheet WorkApp onto a SharePoint site Thank you in advance
Smartsheet Search to find WorkApps
When someone searches for a word, for it to locate WorkApps also if the WorkApp is relevant (e.g. has that word in the name and the user has access).