Automated symbol isn't switching
Hi everyone, I am trying to automate symbols. The logic should be if the specific cell is below 90% then mark it as a red symbol, if it is greater than 90% mark it as yellow if it is greater or equal to 100% mark it green. This is what I got: =IF([Actual vs. Target Sq ft. Produced]@row < 0.9, "Red", IF([Actual vs. Target…
I have the following columns that are linked to another smartsheet: Citrix Status - Network Status - PC Status - Phone Status - Completion Date When all columns have the "Complete" status, the Completion Date will register the date of last row that changed to "complete" status. NOTE: The Record a date automated workflow…
Populating a Smartsheet from an Oracle SQL DB
We use a smartsheet to track the progress of investigations on my site. The investigation ID, description, etc. are stored on an Oracle SQL DB and I'd like to autopopulate the smartsheet with the relevant fields. Is there a way to do this? I tried Power Automate but my organization does not currently support the Smartsheet…
I need a formula that calculates 3weeks date, 2 weeks date, 1 week date and 24 hours date from a due for each column where the due date is another sheet. Let's say column Citrix status in another sheet is feb/3/22, so under Citrix Status 3weeks from the due date will show in that column and so on I appreciate your help Rob
workflow automation - rows aren't moving?
Hello, I created a workflow to move rows once a column status is changed to "complete" within any row. But the workflow didn't trigger, even when I manually changed the status to something else and back again, saved, refreshed, tried again. It finally worked when I moved the row to a different spot in the sheet (shifted up…
Daily Automated Workflow when a row is changed - each instance or a final state?
If I choose a daily workflow alert to a person when a row is changed, and the row changes 3 times in the day - all in the same cell (like the date due), will the recipient get each change in the daily email or just the last recorded change?
How to Implement Dynamic Dropdown among Two Sheets
A department wanted a way to take a unique list from a project column in one sheet and use that distinct listing as a dropdown for another sheet, which updated every hour. I currently run the below script from Python Anywhere on an hourly basis, and I have shared this script so that anyone else can use it as a template for…
Unsusbcribe From Notifications
Hey Community, Any way to resubscribe to an alert workflow? The system won't let me add back a user that has accidently unsubscribed. Thank you!
Automation for When a Dollar Amount Exceeds
I'm the owner of the sheet. I'm trying to set up automation to notify me when a dollar amount exceeds $400,000 in the column titled MV. I can not get it to work and must be missing something. Here are screen shots. Any ideas?
Automated workflow trigger not working
I have set up a series of simple workflows to change a cell's value based on data in another cell. If the source cell value is changed to "50%" for example, the destination cell will automatically be updated with the number 5. There are several different source cells being used, some of which are "yes/no", and some with a…