Stacked Custom Emails
Hello, How should I set up my automations to get one email per record. Approvals are getting done generally pretty quick once a day and multiple records are being approved at once. The format is not presentable to the client. The automation stacks what should be individualized emails. I have the automation to "when…
Formula to find todays production
Hello Smartsheet Experts! Im hoping someone can help out here... :) We are attempting to see if we can get a formula that will give us todays production based on the percent complete? i.e. the project is worth $100 and on day we complete 20% so the value would be $20. Day 2 we progressed to 50% so our value for the days…
Countifs formula to count a value within a date range?
Our company has ongoing surveys and the raw data is organized by different dates (dates the survey was complete). We want to only count the cells for a particular date range in our calculations sheet to give us the survey results for that time frame. For example: I only want smartsheet to look at the surveys completed…
Moving a group of rows to complete sheet
Hi! I am creating a month end checklist for our Accounts Payable dept. My idea is that all rows are visible even if checked off until the final Month End Close Complete is checked. After this, Row 1-55 would be moved to a completed sheet and a new month would start the exact same way. I cannot figure out how to move a…
Customize Reply-to Notification with item in Row
Hello, Was wondering if there was a way to customize the email notifications - Reply To from a column thats populated in the SmartSheet.
Individual Update Request Emails
Hi there! I am using Smartsheet in an educational setting where each row includes information for an individual student, and there are multiple users that update that data. Currently, I am using an automation so that when one user checks a box in a row, Smartsheet sends an update request email to another user listed in a…
Automated Move Row upon Trigger isn't working
I have the following: Sheet x: Various imports from Excel - rows are copied, by right clicking Copy Rows to Sheet A. Sheet A: Full list Sheet B: has formulas that update from Sheet A. Sheet C: Closed items Issue is that when Sheet B has a Status cell that is updated from Sheet A (via formula), a trigger should be thrown…
Ability to limit which columns are copied using Copy Row
This is more of a question for clarification. I'm just now getting around to using the Copy Row feature and want to copy only a few of the many columns from one sheet to another. Is this possible? During my research, it doesn't seem like it is, but I haven't found anything definitive. Thanks for the help.
Sheet summary - column formula
Hello, I am creating a smartsheet that aggregates the clubs that certain employees are in. That main component is done, and I am now using the sheet summary function now (mostly using COUNTIF) to link to a dashboard. However the number of entries on the sheet will change with new employees, which makes the sheet summary…
Vlookup functions not working on a Master Spreadsheet
My colleague and I, who do extensive work on a master spreadsheet that pulls data from many different sheets, are having a lot of trouble with the vlookup function on this particular sheet. We use the vlookup function in multiple different columns on the spreadsheet in question, pulling data from a different source sheet…