I have had a working blueprint for close to a year with minor adjustments to the blueprint, but all has been going quite well. I recently made some more adds and modifications - saved the blueprint an…
When our projects provision, it includes the name of the "toolkit" in the name. While it's at the end, it truncates the name of our project to include "-toolkit name." Is it possible to automagically …
After about a year of trying to understand, we finally figured out that when using Dynamic Reports, ALL manually added source (sheets) were removed. We use a report for scheduling from all our differe…
I'm having some difficulty in associating a date cell created by a blueprint program with the project it creates. Is there a way to change this that I'm unaware of? Setup Summary: I have a blueprint t…
How do you enable multi-tier blueprints in control center? Do you have to create a new program first with it enabled, or can you enable the multi-tiered option on existing programs? Thanks,
When creating a new multi-tier blueprint and selecting "linked to a parent project" on the 'Blueprint Basics' screen, after I get through answering all of the other questions and get to the 'Blueprint…
I'm curious what the Required checkbox on the Customize Profile Data blueprint setup page of Control Center for? Does it control anything specific? Never been entirely sure so I figured I'd ask to see…
Can I move a project folder that was provisioned using Control Center Blueprint into a new workspace without breaking anything (ex; portfolio summaries, reports, dashboards, etc.)?
I am seeing 2 new "quirks" with Global updates that used to work normally but now exhibiting weird behaviours. Column rename. Trying to perform a column rename in a blueprint sheet, name is changing b…
Hi, I want to use a global update to change the column type on a blueprint to dates only. It is already set to dates but I cannot figure out how to make it restricted to dates only. People are using f…