I'm trying to write a Sheet Summary formula that will tell me how many times multiple criteria appears in one column based on the conditions of another column. I'm struggling with the OR function, and…
Hello, Can someone please point out what's wrong in this formula: =(COUNTIFS({Applied Grants}, "Applied", {submission date}), AND(@cell >= DATE (2025, 1, 1), @cell <= DATE(2025, 12, 31)) I would like …
I've been perusing the forums for how to have a checkbox column check a duplicate of a row and I can't get any of them to work the way I want them to. Criteria for checkbox being checked: Row ID shows…
I am new to Smartsheet and making a dashboard. I want a widget to show as a pie chart illustrating how many : 1. "SRM"(child rows w/ purple check marked and bold text) there are [see screenshot below]…
I have a column that is a contact list where a single or multiple staff members can be selected to be scheduled. I'm trying to create a formula that counts how many times each individual's names are l…
Need help with syntax for a formula for counts. Goal: Give a count where If STATUS field contains string value "new" and where a checkbox named External is checked. Formula: =COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "…
I am trying to create a count of how many rows in my sheet meet a certain criteria. I created a Sheet summary field and used the COUNTIF Formula. However, it keeps returning #NO MATCH when there clear…
I'm curious to see if there is a formula out there that I am missing. Currently this formula takes this current year and subtract one from it and also references a month based on a monthly column. So …
I have a count of incidents for each location. The "rank helper" column use to total the number of incidents beside the first occurrence of a name. For example: Bellflower has "2" incidents. I want th…
Hi, thought I could use some variation of =COUNT(DISTINCT(COLLECT({Advisor Rep ID}, IF{Client for the rep id is not equal to any of their other on the sheet}, WHERE {Case Consultation Meeting Number},…