Formulas and Functions

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Formula for a Countif in the last year

I am working on pulling historical data from another source sheet but I only want to evaluate the data within the last year. I am having problems with getting the formula to pull information.
I am attempting to count completed projects that were ordered in this calendar year. The idea would be to take this concept and use it for data for other date ranges as well (previous year, 2 years ago etc) to show trends and progression.
Once I can get the core formula functioning as expected, I will be expanding it to a Countifs formula to further narrow the data.
The core formula I am using is:

=COUNTIF({Archive Project}, YEAR({Archive Year}) = YEAR(TODAY()))

-The archive year reference is looking at a column in our completed projects, this column is a date column.
-I keep getting 0 as my result although I have tested each part of the formula individually.

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    @Paul Newcome I was able to work this out. Just posting the solutions here to help anyone who finds it in the future.

    -Sum of revenue that happened in this year

    =SUMIF({Archive Year}, IFERROR(YEAR(@cell ), 0) = YEAR(TODAY()), {Archived Revenue})

    and further broken down by salesperson using

    =SUMIFS({Archived Revenue}, {Archive Year}, IFERROR(YEAR(@cell ), 0) = YEAR(TODAY()), {Archived Salesperson}, =Metric@row)


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