Unnecessary scroll bar on published view only report
Hi, I am working on a Dashboard for my team and when using a widget to display a report that is published/view only, there are way too many unneeded scroll bars. It is set up size-wise so that there should be no scroll bars, however there are two vertical and one horizontal. Is there any way to get rid of these? Thanks!
Dashboard widget borders
Hi. I'm full of questions today. I see in some of the examples on smartsheet website, the widgets have borders. How is this achieved? I'd love to do that for my dashboard. THanks, SB
Dates not displaying on dashboard chart
On each of my project sheets I have one or more rows to capture invoicing with the date and value. I have created a summary report looking at all of the sheets. In my portfolio dashboard, I reference this report to create a column chart. The dates do not display on the x-axis. The date column is included in the Data…
Charts that show n= rather than percentage
Hi there, I'm trying to create a half donut chart on my dashboard that shows 5 stakeholders interviewed out of the total 15 that need to be interviewed. Is there a way to show this as a number (5/15) rather than a percentage (33%)?
Display Auto-Updating Dates on a Dashboard
Hi! I am trying to display on a dashboard the number of people signed up for a training over the next 10 days. I want the dashboard to always only look ahead 10 days from the date you're looking at the dashboard. I don't want to have to go in and update the widget on all 30 dashboards every day/week. The data is pulling…
Gray dashboard background
Hi. Am I to understand that you can make a dashboard background gray? I would love to know how to do that. Any instruction on this? Thanks, SB
Is it possible to edit a report from a dashboard?
Hi. We are creating a Smartsheet dashboard for our incoming projects. Each project manager will need to make comments to their respective projects. Is is possible, if we add the project report to our dashboard, that a PM can edit the report from the dashboard and have it save the edits? Thanks, Shawn
Is there a way to make the Dashboard your Homepage when you Open Smartsheet?
Members of my team would like access to all the reports and sheets that are within their dashboard as soon as they log into Smartsheet. Baring that in mind, is there a way for dashboards to become the homepage for all users, or a portal or something of the sort where they do not have to scroll through or search for…