Offloading Data to One Drive using Data Shuttle
Hi everyone, I am trying to offload a Smartsheet sheet to OneDrive. When I sign in from the "Select your target file" page after selecting "OneDrive & Sharepoint" as my target location, a notification appears that I "Need admin approval". I have contacted my IT team to grant me the approval but they are telling me that a…
Can Data Shuttle avoid overwriting existing cells that meet a current criteria in Smartsheet?
I am uploading a status from another system. The other system may contain information not yet available in Smartsheet, but Smartsheet remains the most current version. If an item is marked as "Complete" in Smartsheet, I'd like it to remain "Complete" and not be overwritten by the Data Shuttle. I see there are filters for…
Enhancement to update Data Shuttle to recognize/preserve leading zeros in front of numbers
Use case: Managing hundreds of cloud accounts that have a fixed length ID and a randomly assigned number. Some account IDs have 1-3 leading zeros, some have none, as long as the overall length is 12 digits. Issue: When using Data Shuttle to import updated lists of accounts, existing accounts with leading zeros, are deleted…
Sheet Access Report Size Limitations
Hello Community Friends - Does anyone have a creative solution for managing the Sheet Access Report? Ours has exceeded the max row limitations of both Excel and Google Sheets. We need the ability to look up who is Sheet Owner and/or Admin of various sheets that we might not have access to, but we can no longer load all of…
How do you get a data shuttle filter to work on a column with a formula?
I'm trying to set up a data shuttle to filter out any studios that do not have "Send Survey?" checked. I've tried using "Send Survey? equals 1" and "Send Survey? equals True" and both don't work. Any help is appreciated!
How to create a single notification when Data Shuttle workflow is run by schedule?
Hello! I created a notification triggered by "complete" status of a column, but the sheet is is fed by Data Shuttle workflow that is set to run every 15 minutes. As a result, I received a notification every time the sheet was updated based on the workflow frequency. I need to create a single notification, when the column…
Data Shuttle Running 5 Hours Early
Based on the log, all my nightly Data Shuttle workflows ran 5 hours earlier than they should have last night. (This may have been happening for a while and I just didn't have reason to notice.) Example: scheduled for 1900 hours, ran at 1400 hours. That's kind of a problem since the data for the day isn't all taken care of…
Dynamic Dropdown - Data Shutttle
I want to create a dynamic dropdown in a sheet. The data for my dropdown reside in 6 different sheets, so I thought it would be smart to consolidate using the report function. Now the data are in a report. How can I create a dynamic dropdown with the data source being in the report rather than in a sheet? I cannot select…
Data Shuttle: Multiple Email and Text Filtering
Hi! I am trying to filter my offload with "does not contain" and then have a string of emails I want to omit from my contacts column. We have contacts that we are not doing the billing for so I want to exclude them. I've tried separating emails with a comma, with quotes, with <> between the email addresses and its not…
Data Shuttle Failing to Delete Rows on various workflows
Hi there, Not sure if this is a known issue this is being worked on? In Data Shuttle, I am using the workflow action "Replace all Target sheet rows with the data from the input file" and on multiple occasions I've had multiple data shuttle work flows give me this error - "Failed to delete (xxx) rows. Please review your…