How do you set Alerts based upon field values?
Desired Result: An Alert email is sent to the user name specified in the Contact List column when the status on that row equals a certain value. Example Layout: Column A is a Contact List drop-down Column B is a Status drop-down with labels of Planning, Contract Request, Complete Columns C - Z are various data fields…
Card View Vertical Drag changes value
I love the new card view but in each vertical lane I'd like it to organize by the priority value. It would be great to have it automatically set the priority 1 higher than the card I just drug it above. And it would be great if it put it in order of the Priority Field if I edit them directly.
Ballon Help for Formulas
I use formulas to calculate totals at the parent level in my smartsheets. When I do this, a greyed out popup comes up every time I click on the cell. While not a huge deal for non-primary columns, it is a HUGE irrittation on the primary column. It basically gets in the way of everything and you cannot access the + button…
Misc feature requests
The following features/enhancements would be useful: * -Card view also for reports * - Conditional formatting applied in reports * - BOX task integration (tasks assigned in BOX could be displayed as a separate report) * - Reports from reports, not only from sheets. This would enable more advanced filtering * - A report…
Enhance: Update Request | Include Name of SmartSheet
Would like to see (at least optionally) the name of the spreadsheet automatically included in the subject line for update requests. Would help with email filtering. Regards, AEG
Feature request: filter by date of last change
Some of my sheets would benefit greatly by being able to filter them based on when a column's cells were last changed. E.g., "show me all the cells in this columnw hich haven't been changed since [2 days ago]..." etc. Something like below. Anyone else like this idea?
Custom View on Grid/Gantt
Often when I setout a new schedule layout I end up with a number of columns either auto- calculating, which I subsequently hide, or tracking finance, progress, comments etc and the view is busy... I'd love to be able to Save custom views, so I can select chosen columns to view. IE. Custom View 1 - Finance. Shows me the…
Update via Templates
Travis, One enhancement I would love to see is an ability to push out updates via a template. I hear rumors that it is magically possible via the API - can that functionality be brought into the UI? I am about to update about three sets of sheet (40 total) so that they can be presented well in Sights. I know that mgmt is…
Enhancement Request for Sights: Control Buttons to show content of a sheet row by row
Sights are perfect to show sheet content in a suitable layout. I would love to have the ability to scroll through a single sheet row by row to show the information of every single row in the layout of the Sight. E.g. you have a sheet where you collect ideas for the future development of a system. Columns distinct between…
Smartsheet integration with Eloqua
I see there is an integration with SmartSheet and Marketo, does anyone knows how it works and if there is something that can be done to integrate with other marketing automation tools like Eloqua.