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Ballon Help for Formulas

Tommy James
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I use formulas to calculate totals at the parent level in my smartsheets.  When I do this, a greyed out popup comes up every time I click on the cell.  


While not a huge deal for non-primary columns, it is a HUGE irrittation on the primary column.  It basically gets in the way of everything and you cannot access the + button to drill down to the next level.


It has been this way for a while, so I am surprised it is not already fixed?  For such an amazing application, it is equally amazing your allow something this bad to continue to exist in your interface.


Glad to discuss if you have questions, but hoping this will be fixed soon!




  • Hi Tommy-- I'm not really sure what this could be! Can you send a screen capture of this to me via email at Kennedy.Stomps@Smartsheet.com so I can look into this for you? Thanks!

  • Wow...not sure how anyone could miss it...:)


    Screenshot attached.  Big gray box going across the screen below row 1.  It basically shows the formula in the cell, but is horribly obtrusive!



    Smartsheet-Ballon Help Screensho.png

  • Hi Tommy-- Ah, now I know what you're talking about! We don't offer the ability to disable that pop-up at this point but I'll pass your feedback on to our Product Team to consider for a future update. 

  • Awesome...


    I work for a software company as well.  Sometimes product management comes up with stuff they think is a great idea and they end up being horribly wrong...:)  This appears to be one of those items.



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