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Misc feature requests


The following features/enhancements would be useful:

  1. -Card view also for reports
  1. - Conditional formatting applied in reports
  2. - BOX task integration (tasks assigned in BOX could be displayed as a separate report)
  3. - Reports from reports, not only from sheets. This would enable more advanced filtering
  4. - A report filter on child/parent so that one can extract children only.
  5. - That the group setup was a separate smartsheet. You've got a great spreadsheet format, yet you use a simple list to manage user groups. 
  6. - Linked templates. E.g if we have 30 project plans and we need to add a new status entry, one only update the template on which these ten plans are based upon rather than having to update all 30 manually.
  7. - Linked report templates. E.g a folder in which there are 30 reports where each report is a tailored to-do list for each individual in the dept. If we need to change the report filtering it can be done in one operation rather than 30 seprate edits. 







  • Naveen Mata

    I just logged in to submit a comment about first two enhancements:

    1. card view for reports

    2. conditional formatting on reporting - there's a bug with this feature i.e. the format doesn't show up right away but if you save, close and reopen the report, it's there.


  • Kara Lumley

    Hi Christopher and Naveen,

    Thanks for the comments. With regards to conditional formatting on reports, that should show up when you open or refresh the report. I'm checking with our QA team on this to make sure it is working as expected. 

    My comments to the other items are inline:


    1. -Card view also for reports

    This is on our roadmap


    1. - Conditional formatting applied in reports

    As noted above, conditional formatting from sheets should be displayed on reports


    1. - BOX task integration (tasks assigned in BOX could be displayed as a separate report)

    Sent to Product Management team

    1. - Reports from reports, not only from sheets. This would enable more advanced filtering
    2. Sent to Product Management team
    3. - A report filter on child/parent so that one can extract children only.
    4. This is being developed currently
    5. - That the group setup was a separate smartsheet. You've got a great spreadsheet format, yet you use a simple list to manage user groups. 
    6. Sent to Product Management team
    7. - Linked templates. E.g if we have 30 project plans and we need to add a new status entry, one only update the template on which these ten plans are based upon rather than having to update all 30 manually.
    8. We've had this request before, and I will ask for an update on the status of getting it into the product
    9. - Linked report templates. E.g a folder in which there are 30 reports where each report is a tailored to-do list for each individual in the dept. If we need to change the report filtering it can be done in one operation rather than 30 seprate edits
    10. Sent to Product Management team


    Thank you for your ideas, and I will be in touch after meeting with our PM team.



  • Kara Lumley
    Kara Lumley Employee
    edited 07/13/16


    Linked report templates. E.g a folder in which there are 30 reports where each report is a tailored to-do list for each individual in the dept. If we need to change the report filtering it can be done in one operation rather than 30 edits


    I can confirm that changes are coming to reports, one of them will be to automatically filter based on who is veiwing the report. So one report could be created, and 30 different users will have their own view. Release is TBD, likely towards end of year.

  • On conditional formatting of reports: The desired feature was that one can apply condition formatting to the report and not just pass on conditional formatting from linked sheets. 

    This is to generate reports with different focus and priorities. 


    I hope that made it clearer. 


This discussion has been closed.