Freeze current value of cell with underlying formula
It would be great to have the ability to freeze the current value of a cell which has an underlying cell or column formula. Ideally this could be done manually or through an automation. Also having the reverse ability to unfreeze, which would allow the underlying cell or column formula to be reapplied. Where this would…
Request for Country-Specific Holidays and Multi-Currency Support in Resource Management
Dear Smartsheet Product Team, We would like to request enhancements to Resource Management (RM) to improve its functionality for global teams: Country-Specific Holidays Currently, any holiday added in RM applies to all resources company-wide, with no option to assign holidays to specific countries or groups. This…
Masking certain columns to viewers
Hi all, We have a main spreadsheet where we keep all of our projects including the budget for those projects. I would love an option where I can either share that spreadsheet, but mask certain columns or duplicate that spreadsheet, but not fill in the budget columns and then share that spreadsheet. Is there any option like…
Access values stored in cell history
Hi guys, my idea here is to use the stored information in a cell value. Let's say that the first time this cell was changed is important to me and I want to store this value in a different column in my sheet. I would then use a formula to get this stored information, for example: =GETCELLHISTORY([info], [position]) info:…
Group Management Reporting Capability
I would like to be able to run a group report showing all the group names as well as those who are included within the groups.
Merged: URL Shortener for Long SmartSheet Links, w/ Custom URLs
This discussion has been merged.
Side-by-side fields in Forms
Similar to other form products (like Form Assembly), I would like to place/format fields within the form with more flexibility. At the most basic level, I'd like to place 2 fields, side by side. My particular uses would be: Dependent Name: Dependent Age: And also: Income Type: Income Amount: I actually could use more than…
Merged: Using date columns in forms, ability to restrict to specific dates
This discussion has been merged.
Merged: Allow change cell value automation for checkbox columns when style is set to flag or star
This discussion has been merged.
Improved PDF Exporting of Dashboards
I have created a dashboard that I would like to export to PDF to share to people that do not necessarily have Smartsheet and more importantly don't want to open links/attachments to get "quick glance" data. When I print as PDF I loose a lot of formatting and can't centre the data across the page. without customising…