Editable Font Size and Colour for Data Labels on Charts
It would be helpful to have some control over the size and colour of data labels for charts. e.g. if your dashboard font sizing is consistently a smaller or larger size than the default for data labels, it looks untidy, often data labels appear too large on a chart as a result of the large default font size too.
Customizable Banner Messaging to Subscribers
It would be great if we could customize the banner displayed within sheets as done by Smartsheet to market new features so that SysAdmins could message to their users without the need to do by emails. Examples: Renewal survey is about to launch, Did you know you can go to our company resource dashboard by doing xxxx,…
Feature request: Hashtags to create automatic reports
Hello! So, the story is: Our team is using a Smartsheet workspace to coordinate the production and deployment of assets of an entire Content and Marketing department. We have created sheets for each type of process/asset (Social Media, Video, Print, Web, Email Marketing, etc), automated formatting in all sheets according…
Resource Management: Regional Public Holidays
Official Public Holidays in Resource Management are not helpful when team members work across different states or countries. The ability to define Public Holidays based on team member location (automatically would be best) is needed. The Location of each team member is defined in their profile. Use this to update the…
Give Administrators full vision and access to all sheets
I recently contacted support about this and was amazed to find that what I thought would be a simple function doesn't exist. We have had staff leave recently and not so recently and have had requests from senior management to look for data that they may have stored in sheets that they may of owned or shared or transferred…
Restore the ability to add new users to WorkApps
WorkApps used to be able to be shared with anyone, with or without Smartsheet credentials. My organization leverages WorkApps to get data insights to external partners, and they have been an excellent means of delivery. In fact, the data we generate and provide provided context and motivation for new users to onboard with…
Merged: Custom Color Scheme
This discussion has been merged.
How do you see which reports are connected to a sheet?
Hey everyone! I am trying to track down all of the reports that are connected to a sheet. I am planning on rebuilding the sheet but know that it is connected to a lot of reports that other people in my company use so I don't want to miss anything. Is there a way to pull a list of all reports that have this sheet as a…
Merged: Format text/characters within an individual cell
This discussion has been merged.
Verification Code delivery by SMS
Please please please add SMS (text) as delivery method of verification code. EM delivery is far too slow.