Anonymous form communication
Hello, I'm in a workgroup that is debating having a name required vs. not to submit process improvement suggestions on a smartsheet form. Those that want to have a name required want it so that people who submit can be followed-up with for clarity and those that want to leave an anonymous option argue that it is important…
Form entries are being added to the bottom of the column ?
I created a new form in the existing project tracker it created new columns on the right. When the form entries are coming in, its inputting data starting at row 356 all way at the bottom. Can the data input not start from from row 1 ? or is it because those rows 1 - 355 are being used in project tracker. Please explain &…
How to include a customer satisfaction feedback after a form is submitted?
We have developed a form recently for our Business scenario and we would like to add in a feature. I am not sure if it is existing as of now in Smartsheets. We need to send the user who submitted the form to fill an Satisfaction from scale of 1-5 along with smiles. May I know how can this be done?
Form - Copy of Answers
Hello, Is it possible for a form submitter to receive not just their answers, but also a copy of what they filled out? Our form has information in the question descriptions (not just the Q&A fields) that we'd like them to have a copy of. If they can't receive the whole form along with their answers, is it possible to add…
Tie Forms Logic to a Section
Hello, is there a way to tie logic to an entire section - we have a "yes" "no" question, that I would like to have "yes" responders sent to one section, and "no" responders sent to another. I have the logic tied to section headers that proceed those sections, but that doesn't appear to be working. thanks!
Formula not working in Smartsheet when data is populated from form
I'm using a form to populate my Smartsheet. If N/A is selected from a dropdown list the completed column for that section should be checked (see below). I can get it to work when selected in the Smartsheet using formula =IF(([Loan Servicing]@row)="N/A",1) but not if the selection N/A is being populated from the form. Thank…
Form is not working
We have a lot of forms that get used daily, but we are having random problems with this one sheet/form, a couple different things will happen and it is at random: 1) if two forms are uploaded close to one another, only the first one will come in and the second one will not submit and it gets lost. 2) They will upload one…
How can I ensure a copy of responses goes to a designated person?
I saw a formula that automatically checks the box and auto-populates an email someone else fills out, but how do I make sure it goes to the same person or persons every time? Referenced answer here: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/79681/form-autofill-send-me-a-copy-of-my-responses
Reset form for registration
I have setup a sheet & form to use for guest registration at events. When someone enters their information and submits the form, it sits at the "Thank you. Your response has been added to my Smartsheet." message. I need the form to reset to a new, clean form for the next person. How do I do that?
Auto fill a form ?
I have a sheet that has say 50 questions on it. Some of them I can pull in from another sheet, and I just need to confirm the answer with the client. Is it not possible to display that answer that I pulled in from another sheet when I use the form view instead of the sheet view? The form looks much better , but you can't…