Adding a grid to a Form
Hello, I'm wondering if there's a way to add a grid to a Form to collect data when multiple names, emails and job titles are submitted. Currently we ask people to submit a PDF form to us that has an embedded table where they list the staff who have taken a training. The table headings are: Name, Email, Job Title. Sometimes…
Send form response
I would like to send/print my form with completed responses. Just sending/printing the row does not work, as the form has more information than the column names - is this possible?
Sharing Reports
Is there any way to share information on a report without giving employees access to the sheet it's connected to. This main sheet uses forms and may carry confidential information and I don't want them to view the full details of the sheet, just a few important key items on a report. Is this possible? This is in regards to…
SUMIFS based off Status and date?
I am building a counter for a team where they do a simple web form to say which task they did, and how many times they did it. There then needs to be a dashboard that then has a sum of that type of tasks completed during the current month, and the previous month (seperate). The FormData screenshot is the Grid that collects…
Capturing user/email addressing via form
Relatively new smartsheet form user here. Is there a way to create a field that would allow the entry of a name in one column and an email in a second column and have a user input multiple name/email pairs within a single web form? Essentially, we are creating a web form for training sessions and there are a number of…
Formula to auto populate a number based off cell input
I'm looking to see if there's a formula or other means to have Smartsheet auto populate a quote number and duplicate that number if the same name is added later on. I am working on building a quotes log where we input a project name in Job Name which then auto fills to the Job Name Master. Next to the Job Name Master…
Google Sheet Sync into Smartsheet
I realize Smartsheet allows sync for Google form; however, does it allow sync for Google sheet and vice versa?
Forms data populating worksheet
I have created a form and I have it set to populate at the top of the worksheet. I have a summary section at the top of the worksheet so I can show all the in progress, completed, etc. for all the contracts. I need the form data to start below that summary level on row 7. How do I set this up to happen. When I set it to…
Data from one sheet form to populate another
I have created a smartsheet that contains a form for my team to fill out. Once this form is filled out I would like that data to go to the main sheet that is viewable by my team and then populate another sheet that is viewable to the managers only. Is there a way to have that data when added to sheet one (main sheet) via…
How do I find a smartsheet expert for hire to help build out our workspace?
I am building out a new workspace for some large marketing intergration projects. I am way over my head with smartsheets, but I have used it to complete amazing M&A sheets. I want to start intetegrating smartsheets into the operating side instead of just the due diligience side of the business.