Why Can't Gantt Charts Have A Formula In The Start/End Date Columns?
I'm trying to create a Gantt Chart on a document where the End Date field is a column formula; it being a formula is pretty much non-negotiable. The formula reports a date from the 'Requested Due Date' column unless a new date is provided in the 'Extended Due Date' column. This is done to ensure that the person using the…
How can I pull data from different sheets with vlookups/index formula in one column?
In an easy way to explain what i want to achieve: I have 3 smartsheet files: 1- Tops ( contains all tops with price) 2 - Bottoms ( contains all bottoms with price) 3 - Master Sheet ( contains all tops and bottoms) I want to set up a price column in the master sheet links to the tops or bottoms sheet based on the item and…
MIN/MAX with Date and Time (Modified Date Column)
Hi all, This should be straightforward but I am stumped! How do I get the earliest (or latest) value including time from a Modified Date system column? e.g. I can get the date if I define my output column as type Date and use a simple MIN/MAX but this means the time is ignored. I thought about breaking the time and the…
Auto Generate a Number based on Column not being blank.
Hello, I am trying to get an auto generated number in Auto Number column. I cannot use auto number given that i have conditions to it. I want my Autonumber column to have a formula where it will create a sequential number based on the Hold Issuance date not being blank. I only want it to autonumber if the hold issuance…
IF OR/AND Function - Considering Dates (Future, Past etc)
Hi Team - I have a bit of a doozy.. at least it is for me. I have a sheet that needs a status populated considering 2 different date columns. If either "Expiry Date" or "Expiry Date 2" is in the past we need a "Red" status If either "Expiry Date" or "Expiry Date 2" columns are within the next 30 days "Yellow" Status If…
Formula to pull the Fiscal Year from a Launch date
Hello! I'm looking to pull the Fiscal Year in a cell based on the launch date in a different cell. Our FY starts on 04/01 of the current and ends on 03/31 of the following year. I need the formula to determine if the FY is the current year, the prior year, or the next year based on the launch date. For example, 04/25/2024…
IF ERROR help for a nested IF AVG formula
Hi there! I have an IF followed by AVG formula that is working ok- looks at multiple columns and averages them (frankly it is problematic, because it returns an average even when not all 6 columns are filled out, help? Is there a way for it to only calculate the average once all 6 columns have a value added? Honestly if…
Formula for automation help
Hello Smartsheet gurus! I am trying to automate a step-challenge for teams at work. Team members submit personal step counts via webform to Sheet 1. Sheet 1-Column titles: Team Name (drop down), Team Member (free text), Steps Entered (free text) Numbers submitted are automatically summed on another sheet, as an ongoing…
Get a list value from another sheet
Hi All, I have a sheet of drivers list. And in another sheet, I want to create a column which get driver name from drivers sheet. Can I do it in smartsheet? Thanks
STATUS UPDATE - Based on Date
Hello, I want the process wherein once we click on the task status for example: In Progress then start and end date are added, time time line status will read it immediately if it is "ON TIME" or "DELAYED" based on the end date. If we click on the completed - and the end date is not yet on the past, then it will ON TIME -…