Formula to make a metrics sheet to build a pipleline dashboard
I have a sales tracker sheet and need to continuously pull data as new quotes are formed to show wins/ losses compared to our target in a dashboard. Sheet has 3 columns that need to create the formula: Account type, Weighted Forecast, and Expected Quarter Close. In real words, I want to say Weighted forescast is $1M for…
Is there a way to show a particular image in a dashboard depending on which option is selected?
Hi Everyone, I am creating a dashboard that will show which locations are open so the senior managers can quickly check in the morning. It is simple enough and will show on the Dashboard that the location is open or closed through a Metric. I want it to look a bit better so have included a picture of the locations as in…
How to Structure Formulas so if dropdown options change, it auto-updates?
I am trying to compile metrics and get them to auto-update to reflect the values of a drop down. For instance, if the drop down has options like "Physical Exam", "Digital Exam", "Advanced", I'm building columns in my metrics sheet to tabulate the totals for each using countif statements (for each respective month). E.g.:…
Due Date based off a workday schedule - Need Workday Formula Help
Hello everyone. I'm trying to use a WORKDAY formula to auto-update a list of due dates. We have several financial tasks that must be completed a specific workday every month. For example, the books need to be opened -1 to the start of a new month. But this needs to be a workday. I have been trying to setup the formula so…
Trying to Join Multiple Rows to one cell
I am trying to combine all of the data into one cell for a row, but also any additional rows that share the same PO #. I then plan on taking this information and moving it to another sheet in order to set up Shipping and Delivery notices. I am still pretty new to smartsheet and I have tried googling and watching videos on…
Hello, so this might be a strange one but doing this to run automation. i have the Bolo column set to check others sheets for serial numbers. i created a remove bolo column to search the Bolo Column and to find any Checkmarks. then wanting it to set a checkmark in the remove bolo column that has a checkmark in the BOLO.…
Index/Match Help
Since Excel created XLOOKUP, I have lost my ability to properly do index/Match, I am getting an #INVALID COLUMN VALUE error. First here is my formula: =INDEX({Deliverable Tracker Approved Archive_Delivery Liaison download complete}, MATCH(Help@row, {Deliverable Tracker Approved Archive_Help2}, 0)) This screenshot is from…
Formula Help
Hi - I need help with a formula for a sheet summary field. 1. Open Tasks that are due in the next week. I want to capture a status that does not contain "Complete" and then if the task is within the next 7 days. 2. I also want to capture the count of open tasks that are overdue - i.e., in the past. Thank you!
Using =Value to return a number but gettting error
I have the following cells that I need to use in an Index(match I cannot control the format, and ideally would like to resist using a helper column. The numbers vary in length and the blank spaces, "-" and leading zeros become an issue with Index(match. The formula I am working with to adjust and want to use for the Match…
Joining text "if" a criteria is met in multiple rows / columns
Hi, I'm trying to do something a bit complicated and hoping for some assistance. I am trying to join text from specific columns IF another column has specific verbiage in it (Campaign 1). Below is an image of the rows and the column with that verbiage. Do you know what would be the appropriate formula for this? I want to…