Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Joining text "if" a criteria is met in multiple rows / columns


I'm trying to do something a bit complicated and hoping for some assistance. I am trying to join text from specific columns IF another column has specific verbiage in it (Campaign 1). Below is an image of the rows and the column with that verbiage. Do you know what would be the appropriate formula for this?

I want to join "Tactic" and "Launch Date" together for each row with the Campaign 1. I am also hoping the Launch Date is listed directly after the Tactic name. So I would like it come out like this or as close to this as a I can in the cell with the formula:

Direct Mail - 1/10/25, Consumer Email - 1/16/25, B2B Single Supplier Email - 1/31/25

I tried the join and collect function but I am not getting it right as it keeps separating the date or I get an error.

Thank you


  • Community Champion
    edited 01/22/25

    Hi @KDev,

    Add a new helper column with the following formula.

    =IF([Campaign Sample]@row = "Campaign 1", Tactic@row + " - " + [Launch Date]@row)

    Then, in some other spot, use this for the final output.

    =JOIN([Helper Column]:[Helper Column], ",")

    Hope this helps,


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