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Due Date based off a workday schedule - Need Workday Formula Help

Hello everyone.

I'm trying to use a WORKDAY formula to auto-update a list of due dates. We have several financial tasks that must be completed a specific workday every month. For example, the books need to be opened -1 to the start of a new month. But this needs to be a workday.

I have been trying to setup the formula so that you manually enter the 1st of the month in the yellow highlighted cell. Then you use the schedule on the left to have the due dates pull in as a workday, also while excluding holidays which I have saved on a separate sheet that I need to reference.

I initially tried using the below formula, but it is not working. It tells me "#INVALID DATA TYPE." I have also tried it without trying to account for holidays at all, and it's giving me the same error message.

=WORKDAY([Due Date]9, Schedule@row, {Holiday Data Sheet Range 1})

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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