Trying to Join Multiple Rows to one cell

I am trying to combine all of the data into one cell for a row, but also any additional rows that share the same PO #. I then plan on taking this information and moving it to another sheet in order to set up Shipping and Delivery notices. I am still pretty new to smartsheet and I have tried googling and watching videos on formulas… I was thinking I need a Join Collect formula, but I need all of this information into 1 cell.

Here is what I was working with:

=JOIN(COLLECT([McLeod Ref]:[Destination City/State/Zip], [PO Number]:[PO Number], [PO Number]@row), ", " + CHAR(10))


  • markkrebs
    markkrebs Community Champion

    I'd do a Helper column with the Combined Infor on the row first:

    E.g. [Column 1]@row+Char(10)+ [Column 2]@row+ Char(10) ect….

    Note: using char(10) as the delimiter - can also use ";" ect…

    Then do a

    =JOIN(COLLECT([Combined Helper]:[Combined Helper], [PO Number]:[PO Number], [PO Number]@row), CHAR(10))

  • That worked!! Thank you so much! I really appreciate the help!

    The Shipment Notifications came across beautifully. :)

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